“What’s so funny?”

Looking at him and his confused expression, I laugh even harder. “Are you serious? How can you even look at me with a straight face? I don’t need a mirror to know how awful I must look right now.” I shake my head and give him a small smile. “You’re an angel for sticking around and being there for us. Seriously. You deserve a huge thank-you basket or something else crazy big.”

The smile he gives me is so big and beautiful it almost blinds me. “I know exactly how you can thank me, but I need you to feel better first.” He winks at me, and I almost choke on my spit.

Way to impress the crowd.

And this man.

My insides heat up at his suggestion, and I can positively say I’m on the mend. Absolutely no doubt about it.

All bodily functions are back, my libido included.

Leaning my head to the side, I look at him. “I think I just made a miraculous recovery.”

He chuckles. “I was hoping you’d say something like that because I prefer sharing a bed with you a lot more than sleeping alone. So, if you’re better, I want you with me again tonight.”

My heartbeat quickens at the picture Hudson paints, but then reality crashes down on me. “I don’t want to get you sick.”

He laughs. “I think after playing nurse for the last few days, I’m a lost cause anyway. I either already have it or I lucked out this time.”

“I really hope it’s the latter, but just know I’d take really good care of you too if you got sick.”

“I know you would.” He leans in and gives my forehead a kiss, his lips lingering for a second. “Now get up and take a shower, Sleeping Beauty. I have some soup waiting for you downstairs, and Mira is gonna be up from her nap soon too. I bet she’s gonna be over the moon to see you up and going again.”

His scent envelops me in a blanket of comfort, the familiarity of it calming me down like nothing else. I let out a sigh when he gets up and walks to the door.

Turning around, he stretches his arms and grabs the top of the doorframe, his muscles straining and bulging like they’re here to offer me a show. As if on cue, his biceps flex as he winks at me. “Holler if you need me. I’m more than happy to assist you in the shower if you need help.”

Laughing at his remark feels good after being out of it for what feels like forever. “I bet you do. I think I’m good for now, but thanks for the offer.” It’s better to wash all this sickness off by myself.

Looking at the exposed skin on his stomach definitely doesn’t make that decision easy though.

“Anytime, sweetheart, anytime.” The endearment rolls off his tongue in a way that’s so natural, it takes my brain a long moment to catch up. His gaze is locked with mine as he’s probably trying to gauge my reaction—the one I’m still too shocked to give. “I’ll see you in a minute, okay?” He gives me a small smile before he disappears.


He just called me sweetheart.

My heart can’t take it.

I fall back onto my pillows, barely containing the squeal that wants to escape. But with my luck, he’d still hear me and run back to see if I’m all right. I feel too weak for that sort of embarrassment.

* * *

We take the rest of the day easy, just hanging out at home. I’m thrilled to see Hudson was right and Mira is doing a lot better. We’ve been cuddling a lot, both of us savoring the contact. At the end of the day, it’s easy to tell the two of us feel much better, even though we’re both extremely tired. I’m all for a speedy recovery, hoping to be mostly back to normal tomorrow after another good night’s sleep.

“Let’s get you guys upstairs and in bed before you fall asleep at the table.” Hudson chuckles and starts bringing the dishes into the kitchen.

After giving Mira a quick bath, Hudson takes her into the bedroom while I clean up the bathroom. When I walk back into the bedroom a few minutes later, my heart stops at the sight in front of me. Hudson’s sitting in the rocking chair with Mira snuggled against his chest, her head pressed into the crook of his neck, clearly passed out already. Hudson has his eyes closed too, his arms securely wrapped around her small body. I stand there for several minutes, watching these two important people in my life.

Committing this image to memory.

So bittersweet.

In this moment, I can’t help the bursts of sadness and joy mixing in my heart—sad over what was lost while happy over what was gained.

I don’t know if this will ever get less painful or easier to deal with, but I will try my best to focus on the positive since that’s the only thing I can control.