We spent the rest of our day with Mira—playing with her, feeding her while having a simple dinner ourselves, and a quick bath before putting her down to sleep.
Watching Hudson read a book to Mira while she’s sitting on his lap in her cute little pajamas was easily the highlight of my day. When he put her in her sleep sack and sang a song to her before handing her off to me, I was afraid my heart might just melt away at the sheer sight of it all.
When I sneak out of Mira’s room and quietly close the door behind me, Hudson’s waiting for me in the hallway—casually leaning against the wall like he doesn’t have a care in the world.
I walk over to him, stopping when I see the big frown on his face. “Hey. Everything okay?”
After clenching his jaw a few times, he exhales loudly. “Yes. No. Gabe just called and told me he needs my help with something.”
“Right now?” I put my hands on my hips and can’t help but pout a little.
He nods and reaches for me, pulling me closer when I put my hand in his. We touch from head to toe, and I realize it already feels like we’ve been doing this forever. Whatever we have, whatever is between us, is nothing I’ve ever experienced before. The intensity of it is so strong it scares me a little, but I’m trying my best to tamp it down as best I can.
“I was really looking forward to our night together.” His lips graze my forehead before he huffs, the frustration pouring out of every single one of his pores. “I don’t even know what he wants from me, but he said it’s important. I hate to ask this, but can we take a rain check?”
Even though I understand his disappointment—mine is pressing heavily onto my chest too—I’d never hold it against him when someone needs his help, especially his family. “No worries, I’m just gonna relax with a book and go to sleep early. Those seniors wore me out today.”
He chuckles against my forehead before lifting my chin, so I’m forced to look at him. “I’ll make it up to you. Promise.”
I blink. “I know you will.” Then I do something I’ve been wanting to do ever since I first saw him.Igo up on my toes and kiss the hell out ofhim. It’s not him initiating the kiss this time, butme.
And boy, does it feel good.
Hudson’s hands wander down my back and have just reached my butt when I pull away for some much-needed air.
He groans. “Screw Gabe. He can figure it out by himself. I’m staying.”
Swatting his chest, I laugh. “No, you won’t. Go already.”
After one more scorching kiss that makes sure this man will stay on my mind all night long, and quite possibly invade my dreams too, he begrudgingly turns around to walk toward the staircase.
Meanwhile, I stare at his retreating form and that fine ass of his. There’s definitely nothing like it.
Chapter Twenty-Five
The next weekis mostly a blur, having quickly turned into the absolute week from hell. First, Hudson is gone for most of the following day too—helping his brother with a mysterious project he apparently isn’t allowed to tell me about—and then Mira and I catch the flu.
I’m so miserable I can barely function, and I’m more grateful than ever before to have Hudson and Hannah in my life. They both help Mira and me to get through this awful misery as best as they can.
The bed dips beside me as Hudson sits on the edge, putting his hand on my forehead. “How are you feeling?”
I fight against my heavy eyes, still trying to wake up from my nap. “Finally better. Extremely happy the fever broke yesterday. It was about time for that to happen.”
He nods, a small frown grazing his forehead. “I agree. I was starting to get worried about you two. Mira has been so much better today. She’s been eating quite a bit, which is a relief.”
That makes me smile. There’s nothing worse than a sick kid, especially when you’re sick yourself. At least I got lots of baby cuddles these last few days. “Thank goodness. I’m so happy to hear that.”
“Tell me about it. It’s funny how kids bounce back from a sickness. They can be miserable one minute, and the next one, they’re jumping around again. Mira’s been all smiles and babbles, playing like nothing happened.”
A small chuckle manages to escape. “I’ve noticed that before. It’s like someone turns a switch.”
He grabs my hand, and I squeeze it with all my might. “Thanks so much for all the help, Hudson. I couldn’t have done it without you.”
“Nothing to thank me for. I hated seeing you so sick, so I’m just happy you’re feeling better.”
I smile at him. “Me too.” One of my hands goes up to my hair, and I realize I must look worse than a scarecrow. Somehow that fact makes me laugh.