Turning to him, I pull on his hand until he faces me. “Has anyone ever told you how special you are?”
The light is dimmed in the room, but I’m almost sure I can see a faint blush on his cheeks.
He coughs awkwardly, almost as if the air got stuck in his throat. “Besides my family and my fans, no one has ever said anything like that to me. At least not anyone that actually matters to me.”
Who would have thought? It’s mind-blowing how blind people can be—not seeing what’s right in front of their eyes.
That thought makes me stop right in my tracks. Isn’t that what I’ve been doing this whole time?
Maybe a little bit. This whole time, I’ve been aware of how great of a guy he is, but I guess I didn’t realize just how genuinelygoodhe is until tonight.
Looks like it’s time to put on those big girl panties and take a chance—albeit a very slow and cautious one. Just to be on the safe side.
“Well, Hudson. Youarevery special—like extraordinarily special. You’ve been there for me from day one, even though you didn’t know who we were or what was going on with us. You never asked questions or tried to be pushy. You gave me the time I needed to open up to you, and I can’t tell you how much that means to me. It’s not easy to share your own four walls with a stranger, let alone when that stranger comes with a baby in tow too. You’re very different. Nothing like I thought you’d be, but in the best possible way.”
“Thank you, even though I didn’t really do anything.” It’s easy to tell he’s flustered by the way he avoids my gaze and plays with my fingertips.
It’s cute. It’s adorable. And it’s also incredibly sexy.
My heart.
He’scute.He’sadorable. Andhe’sso incredibly sexy.
Oh, how the tables have turned. No wonder he enjoys doing this so much to me.
He clears his throat and pulls on my hand. “Now stop talking nonsense and get into bed.”
Laughing in response, I notice for the first time that he changed into different clothes too—a pair of workout shorts and a plain white T-shirt. I briefly wonder if that’s his usual sleep attire, or if he put on more clothes than usual for my benefit. I wouldn’t put it past him wanting to make me comfortable, especially tonight of all nights.
Maybe he usually sleeps naked?
Oh, the possibilities.
That’s something to figure out another time.
Maybe. Hopefully.
We stand in front of the bed, shoulder to shoulder, our hands linked between us. I nudge his shoulder with mine. “Where do you usually sleep?”
“Probably right in the middle.”
We both chuckle.
I point to one side of the bed. “I’ll just take the right side then. It gives me quicker access to the door in case Mira needs me.”
“Sounds good. Hop in then.” But before I can even make a step, he spins me around by my shoulders, pulling me close to him. “Wait. There’s one more thing.”
Gazing into my eyes, he closes the distance between us, his lips meeting mine in a soft, feathery kiss. A quiet sigh escapes both of us at almost the same time, making me smile against his mouth. When he starts moving his lips gently on mine, I’m immediately lost in the sensation and feeling.
This kiss is different than our first.
It has been an emotional evening for both of us, and it shows in every single one of his movements. He’s tender and sweet, yet careful while still making sure he conveys how much he enjoys doing this with me.
It’s about more than just physical needs, it’s about healing and making me feel wanted and needed in a way I haven’t felt before—ever. This man, and everything he does, is exceptional and rare to me.
I try to soak it up as much as I can, unwilling to waste any more time with him.