The words have barely left my mouth when Hudson freezes, the air around us becoming charged with emotion. He sets down the few things he was holding and slowly comes back over to me. For some reason, he reminds me of a predator stalking its prey. His strides are precise and powerful while his eyes are solely fixated on mine.
My feet start moving on their own accord, slowly walking backwards. “What...what are you doing, Hudson?”
“Nothing. Why do you think I’m doing anything?” The smirk on his face tells otherwise, practically screams it.
Since I backed myself into a counter next to the grill, he’s almost right in front of me, still not slowing down. Just when I think he’s going to run into me, he stops mere inches away. His breath is warm on my face, his eyes studying me intently.
“I… I…” I can get neither a coherent thought going nor a full word out of my mouth.
He leans in, touching my forehead gently with his. “Charlie! You can’t say something like that and expect me not to react. I respect the hell out of you and try to do things right by you, but I can only take so much.”
Closing my eyes, I enjoy his nearness so incredibly much. “Every now and then, it’s hard to bite my tongue around you. You’re making my brain all mushy. Sometimes I don’t even know what I’m saying, let alone what thoughts rush through my brain.”
He chuckles, obviously enjoying what I said. “That’s good. I like that. A lot. That means you’re being honest without a barrier between us, and that’s exactly how I want you to be with me.”
My hands start shaking next to my thighs as he gently takes them into his. Before I can react, he raises his head and lifts both hands up to his face, placing a soft kiss on the back of each of them.
For a moment, I think my brain short-circuits as I look back and forth between his face and my now tingling hands. This man might have his flaws, just like we all do, but at this very moment, he’s pretty perfect.
My mouth does its own thing again, babbling out what’s on my mind. The only difference is, this time, my heart is on the same page, beating rapidly with nerves and anticipation.
“Hudson, I don’t think I want to be alone tonight.”
Chapter Twenty-Three
Self-doubt shows its ugly face,threatening to consume me when Hudson doesn’t immediately reply. He’s staring at me, and I’m not sure I can handle a rejection from him right now. After what feels like forever, he finally nods. His expression is soft and his gaze gentle. My guess is he knows exactly how much of a mess I am right now.
No matter the reason, relief floods through me, and I let out a big breath.
One of his hands brushes over my hair and pauses at the back of my neck before he leans in to kiss my forehead, his lips lingering on my skin for a moment. I can’t deny I’m a tiny bit disappointed it’s only my forehead, but I also understand it’s probably not the best moment for more.
He lets go of me after squeezing one of my hands. “Let’s finish this up then.”
I nod. “Sounds good.”
We clean up in silence, making quick work of everything while I try to keep my thoughts focused on the task in front of me instead of what I’m about to do. Even though I’m the one that made the offer, I’d normally have a major freak-out over it. Thankfully, I’m too exhausted though, and my emotions are on the down low. At least for now.
Once we’re inside, I take the big notepad from one of the drawers. “I’m just going to leave a note for Hannah. I want her to know what’s going on, just in case she needs anything. Is that okay with you?”
Hudson shrugs his shoulders, looking at me like I’m a difficult puzzle he’s trying to solve. “Of course. It’s pretty much pointless to hide anything from that woman anyway.”
With a small smile on my face, I write my note. “There, all done.” Ripping it off the pad, I tape it to the fridge, spinning on my heels to face Hudson.
“She’ll be happy to know that everything’s okay.” Hudson holds out his hand to me. “She knows, doesn’t she?”
“She does.” I’m not sure how he’s going to feel about that piece of information, but his expression doesn’t change. “She flew out to New York to see us last year after everything happened. She stayed with me and Mira for a few days after Mo left to make sure we were doing all right.”
“That sounds like her. Grandma is a very special person.” He walks over to me and pulls me into him. “Just like you, Charlie.”
Our bodies are flush together, and I lean my head on his chest. He’s lazily caressing my hair and back, and I close my eyes to enjoy the moment.
This evening has broken down a barrier between us, bringing us closer together in a way that feels both natural and, if I’m honest, it also feels right. It’s like we’re meant to be like this, and it’s been way too long since I’ve felt this content, if I’ve ever actually felt close to this good before. “I’m so happy she talked me into moving over here.”
“That woman deserves a medal of some sort. I’m thrilled you guys are here, I can’t even tell you how much.” He holds me tightly for a moment before letting go. “Ready?”
I nod, heat shooting through my body and into my cheeks. When I told Hudson I didn’t want to be alone tonight, I wasn’t really thinking it through. Now, I’m not sure what to expect at all. Nerves zap through my body, suddenly making me aware of just how close we are, how close we’ve been all night.
Despite everything I told Hudson, he’s been very attentive and kind. I’m not positive I would’ve been able to get through the whole story without him by my side and his constant reassurance. He deserves to know that.