He chuckles softly. “Don’t look so surprised. You know I think you’re absolutely breathtaking.”

“I don’t know, Hudson.” I can’t deny I’m flattered, but doubt and fear still creep into my system, almost on autopilot. I know his offer sounds harmless, but deep down inside, I know things will change after our time together tonight.

“I won’t take no for an answer. I promised Grandma, and I believe you still owe me a story too.” His tone is playful, which makes me a little anxious. I think he still assumes the story about my past won’t be worse or crazier than his. Otherwise, I don’t think he’d be so lighthearted about it and that scares me.

If only I knew how he’d react.

But when are things ever that easy?

He’s right, though. I did promise I’d share my story with him too.

Usually, I keep my word.

“I’ll order us Chinese takeout.” Hudson knows that’s my weakness.

“All right! You’ve got yourself a deal. You and me tonight.”

He grins in triumph while I cross my fingers behind my back, hoping this won’t end badly.

Chapter Twenty

Hudson’s peekingover my shoulder at the monitor in my hand, his warm breath hitting my neck. “Is she asleep?”

Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath, needing a moment to collect myself. “Yeah. She was exhausted after an extra early morning and being active all day. She passed out the second she hit the mattress.”

I put the baby monitor on the patio table in front of me. Hudson thought it would be a great night for us to spend outside in the backyard, and I have to agree. One side of the patio has a canopied sitting area with comfortable sofas and chairs—there’s even a little mini kitchen next to the barbecue—all of it surrounded by twinkling lights that will look lovely when it gets dark. The sun will be setting soon, which also means a drop in degrees, but Hudson has thought of that too, having turned on the heaters around us. The warmth is already seeping into my body, making me all cozy and comfortable.

It seems like Hudson thought of everything. The Chinese takeout is spread out on the table, looking like we could feed at least five families with it. The bottle of my favorite wine Hannah mentioned is right next to a bottle of water. I always like to have some water with my wine, yetanotherthing Hudson has picked up on over time. We’ve known each other for about a month now, but it definitely feels more like years.

Sometimes, I wonder if that’s a good or a bad thing. I know it definitely scares me a bit at times. It makes me feel vulnerable to have someone in my life know me so well already, and who oftentimes seems to see straight through me—almost like he has a direct connection to my thoughts and heart.

Hudson rubs his hands together, grinning like a little school kid. “I hope you’re hungry.”

“Yes! Starving, actually. What did you get? It smells delicious.” I’m curious and lean over the numerous bags, the exquisite aromas wafting in the air around me. My stomach lets out a big growl, and I quickly cover it with my hands.

Hudson chuckles beside me. By now, he knows I’m not like some of his previous dates—who, according to Mo, mostly looked stick-thin—because I love to eat. Not that we’re having a date of course, at least not a real one. We’re just having dinner together.

A date-dinner amongst friends. That’s totally a thing, right? No matter how attracted you are to said friend.

He starts opening a few boxes and tips them in my direction, so I can get a good look. “I know you like to have a variety, so I wanted to cover my bases and got a bit of everything.”

My throat suddenly feels dry, making it hard to swallow, and it takes a lot more effort to get my words out. “Thank you. That was very sweet of you.”

The smile he gives me in response is absolutely breathtaking. It reaches his eyes, making them sparkle as the sun slowly goes down around us. I’m unable to do anything but stare at him—completely and utterly mesmerized.

I snap out of it when he holds out a fork to me. “You pick first.”

After taking a quick sip of water, I clear my throat. “If you insist.”

“I do.” The words come out of his mouth in a sweet whisper, making my heart clench.

Gah. This man.

Those two words have always been a bittersweet reminder of my past, but for the first time, I don’t feel any discomfort. I avert my eyes from his intense stare and focus on the food in front of me, piling up all of my favorites on my plate. After Hudson does the same, we eat in comfortable silence with the occasional secret glance between us. Mostly, we both appear to be in deep thought, which neither one of us seems to mind.

We make a much bigger dent in the food than I thought was possible for two people. Apparently, I wasn’t the only hungry one.

Leaning back on the couch, I rub my belly with a satisfied grin on my face and my eyes close for a second, enjoying this blissful moment. “That wassogood. Thanks again, Hudson. I’m so full, I could go to sleep right now.”