Hudson clears his throat and walks over to me with his arms outstretched. “I haven’t seen this cutie pie all day. Let me have her for a few minutes before I have to leave.” In less than a minute, he bounces her around the kitchen, his laughter mixing with Mirabelle’s giggles.

The sweet sound fills the air and makes my heart swell. Seeing them together like this has become an almost daily occurrence, making it nearly impossible to imagine a life without any of it.

But, as always, reality likes to come knocking on my door.

Hannah just told me last night that her kitchen will finally be finished in the next week. She wants to wait with her move back home until after the bakery opening, though, so she can help me with everything as much as possible.

That means I have to be realistic about finding a place to stay too. I can’t just stay here and play house with Hudson since there’s really no valid reason for that. Hannah said we can stay with her as long as we want, but I don’t want to take advantage of her. The last thing I want to be is a burden. Mira and I lived by ourselves in New York, so there’s no reason we shouldn’t be able to do it here either.

“Earth to Charlie.” Hannah waves her arms in front of my face. “Are you all right? You look a little pale all of a sudden.”

That woman can read me like an open book sometimes—it’s scary. “What? Me? Yeah, I’m all good. Just a little nervous about everything coming up, I guess.” No need to divulge my worries right now.

Hannah nods, even though she doesn’t look convinced. Maybe it’s the fact I zoned out while staring at Hudson and Mirabelle that made her suspicious.

She grabs her purse from the bar stool next to her and swings it over her shoulder. “Well, I’m going to leave. I’m meeting up with the ladies first, and then Paul and I are headed to the movies. No need to wait up for me.” She winks at me, and we both laugh.

“Sounds like fun.” I might be just a little jealous of Hannah having more of a social life than I do, a very doting boyfriend included.

“Do you have anything fun going on for the rest of the day?”

I shake my head. “Nothing major. I just need to respond to a few more work emails. You need to be after people so they can get their job done on time. The bakery opening is getting closer, and there’s still so much to do.”

“I’m sure it’ll all work out. People here always pull through things together. It’s a great community.”

“I’ve noticed. Everyone’s been very helpful and accommodating, so I’m not really worried.”

She tilts her head to the side and gives me a smile. “Good. Maybe try and relax some tonight. Have some good food and a glass of wine once Mira’s in bed? I bought that rosé wine you like so much.”

I walk over to her and give her a hug—she more than deserves one for everything she constantly does for us. “Thanks so much. You’re an angel.”

She pulls back after a moment of us clinging to each other, her eyes suddenly looking as misty as mine feel. She waves me away with her usual air of nonchalance, sniffling a little. “Oh please, it’s nothing. Don’t even mention it.” Clearing her throat, she squeezes my arm lightly. “Just try and take the night off, okay? You’ve been working so hard, I know you must be exhausted. You deserve a little break.”

Hudson walks over to us with a smile on his face, Mira chewing on something he must have given her. “Don’t worry, Grandma. I’ll make sure Charlie won’t be working tonight.”

“Well, I’m happy to hear that. Take good care of our girls. Don’t let Charlie anywhere near her computer tonight.” They both chuckle like they’re super masterminds at work.

I can’t stop the smile from appearing on my face though. Instead, I shake my head at them. “You guys are impossible. Someone has to do the work. The bakery won’t get done by itself.”

“We know that, we’re only teasing.” Hannah looks at her watch. “Sorry, guys, but I’ve got to run. Have a good night.”

Hudson and Mira wave at Hannah’s departing figure. “You too, Grandma. Tell Paul to be good to you, or I’ll have a word with him.”

Hannah laughs loudly at his comment. “I will. Bye, guys.”

Once the front door closes, Hudson walks over to the corner of the living room where we put part of Mirabelle’s toys and sets her down on the big foam mat on the floor. The whole house is baby-proofed to the ninth, at least the areas Mirabelle spends time in.

All thanks to a certain rockstar.

Even though I told Hudson it wasn’t necessary, he insisted. Apparently, he didn’t want her in a “baby cage,” as he calls it, all day long, so he took matters into his own hands. A few weeks ago, when we came back home from the bakery one day, the house had turned into one of the safest places for babies I’ve ever seen.

Mirabelle loves the newfound freedom, happily banging around with her toys when Hudson walks back over.

It’s fantastic being able to still see Mira everywhere in the living room and dining area while I’m in the kitchen. I’m utterly in love with this open floor plan. It makes life so much easier.

“So, pretty mama.” He plops down on one of the bar stools across from me and puts his elbows on the bar, leaning forward as much as possible. “Seems like it’s you and me tonight, huh?”

Gaping at him and the way he makes such a simple remark somehow sound the tiniest bit dirty. It makes my cheeks immediately flush with heat, and I press my palms to them, feeling how hot they are.