I chuckle under my breath, my senses on high-alert, as if I’ve been caught with my hand in the cookie jar. Sometimes it’s eerie how well he already knows me, even though I shouldn’t be surprised after spending so much time with him for weeks on end. By now, he’s aware of pretty much all of my annoying, little habits, and he loves to tease me about them—often.
That realization, mixed with the thoughts of my past, makes me feel a little queasy. “It wasn’t really anything important. Just something from my old life in New York.”
Such a load of crap. I’m such a chicken, and I’m sure he knows that.
His elbow grazes mine for a nanosecond on the armrest. “Will you tell me about it, Charlie?”
I’m still distracted by the small shock the skin contact elicited. I want to tell him all about my past, but I know this isn’t the place nor the moment for it. “I will.”
We finally reach the house, pulling up the driveway to the gorgeous two-story home.
Once the car is parked in the garage, Hudson turns my way. “Good, I can’t wait. I’ve been dying to know more about you too.”
I know, Hudson, I know.
I’m just afraid things won’t be the same way anymore.
Chapter Nineteen
A few dayshave passed since the incident at the bakery, and we haven’t talked about any of it anymore. Sometimes ignorance truly is bliss, but sadly, that hasn’t prevented Hudson’s predictions from coming true. The media’s been having an absolute field day with the chaos Addy created, so everyone’s been trying to lie low. Hudson is putting on a brave face, but I know he hates it as much as everyone else does.
“Isn’t your friend Monica coming soon?” My rockstar roommate looks at me from the other side of the kitchen bar. He’s having his breakfast, while I work on some business stuff I’ve been pushing aside for way too long. Of course, he looks his usual put-together, sexy self, making it extremely hard for me to focus on anything else.
A big smile forms on my face at his question, successfully wiping away my previous thoughts. “Yes. She’s going to be here as soon as the doctors clear her. She’s thinking it might be next week. I can’t wait.” I can barely contain my excitement, wanting to jump up and down and clap my hands. I’m afraid that might be a bit too much for Hudson, especially this early, so I refrain.
Apparently, I’m not doing a very good job though, since he laughs.
The look he gives me over the rim of his coffee mug is filled with pure amusement. “I couldn’t tell at all.”
My gaze drops to the counter, even though there really isn’t anything wrong with feeling happy about my best friend visiting. “Sorry. It’s just going to be so nice to have her around. I miss her like crazy.”
His voice turns gentle. “Nothing wrong with that. Having someone special in your life is always a good thing. Not everyone’s that lucky.”
I look up from my laptop to fully focus on him. His plate is already empty, not that I’m surprised. We quickly figured out he devours pretty much anything I bake. We also realized we’re both coffee junkies, which actually comes in pretty handy. There always seems to be some brewing when we’re home, or even better, we bring each other coffees from our favorite places when we’re out and about.
He’s pushed his plate aside and is now hunched over a bunch of papers spread out in front of him, a pencil ready in his hand.
Our muse sessions have become a normal part of our daily lives, even though we haven’t stuck to any sort of schedule. Now, he just gets his music sheets and whatever else he needs when I’m around and he feels like it.
It’s not like I actively have to do anything for him to be inspired.
I’ve asked him a few times what exactly he’s doing and how these muse sessions work, but he always says he can’t explain it. Melodies and lyrics just magically come to him whenever he’s around me. So far, he hasn’t shown me anything though, despite my never-ending curiosity.
I mean, it’s only fair to know what he creates from all my musing vibes, right? Especially since he gets the most intriguing expression on his face whenever creativity has struck. I’m not even sure if he notices, but he either sticks the tip of his tongue out of the corner of his mouth or he nibbles on his bottom lip.
It’s adorable, and maybe even a little hot.
Okay, it’sreallyhot.
Needless to say, our sessions have become more and more distracting to me. No one in their right mind could resist looking at those impeccable, full lips, with a cupid’s bow shaped so perfectly I have to resist the urge to touch it and trace it with my fingers—or better yet, my tongue—over and over.
There, I’m already getting distracted again. Shoot.
Trying to snap out of this alternate reality, I nod my chin toward Hudson’s papers. “Are you ever going to actually show me what you’re doing there?”
He looks at me for a long moment before smirking. “Maybe, when I think it’s good enough.”
I barely contain the loud sigh that wants to bubble to the surface at seeing him this carefree and happy. I’m getting to the point where I have to admit to myself just how much this man has gotten under my skin over the last few weeks.