My heart didn’t get the same memo though, since it’s beating wildly in my chest.
In the meantime, my hands start shaking so badly the cupcakes fall out of them, landing on the table with a softthud.
Chapter Eighteen
After givingboth Mitchell brothers new cupcakes, I focus on cleaning up the mess I just made. My gaze stays firmly locked on the table while my cheeks continue to burn hot. I still haven’t found the courage to look up at Hudson, I just can’t. Hearing Mirabelle say Da-da to him—as unintentional as it most likely was—is enough for my stomach and my heart to perform simultaneous somersaults, making me a little dizzy.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see Hudson snuggling Mira close to his chest. “Mira, you are the cutest baby I’ve ever seen.”
Gabe, on the other hand, is awfully quiet. When I sneak a peek at him, I find him staring at me curiously. He immediately catches my gaze and gives me a warm smile. I’m not sure I want to know what he’s thinking. My brain feels fuzzy, and I’m a nervous ball of energy. Usually, I’d start baking in a situation like this, to deal with my inner turmoil, but that’s not going to happen this late.
“Well, guys.” Gabe’s chair scrapes against the floor when he stands up too quickly, and I look back up at him in confusion. “I just remembered something, so I have to go. Hudson, I’m guessing you walked here earlier, so you can catch a ride home with Charlie, right? It’s way more convenient anyway. All right. I’ll see you guys later.”
He barely takes a breath before snatching one more cupcake from the open box. He tickles Mirabelle’s belly, winks at me, and claps Hudson on the shoulder. Then he’s out the door in record time.
Talk about a speedy exit.
“Bye, Gabe.” The words come out in a quiet mumble, seconds after the door closed.
After a minute of silence, I risk a glance at Hudson, but luckily, he’s engrossed in playing with Mirabelle. I watch them for a moment until he looks up at me. From the look in his eyes and the smug smile on his lips, he knew I had my eyes on them all along.
Clearing my throat, I wipe my hands off on my pink apron. “Are you ready to leave? You look tired.”
He chuckles in response. “You always know how to make me feel better.”
“You know what I mean.” I make a motion with my fingers like I’m locking my lips and throwing away the key. “I’ll stop talking for now.”
“Please don’t stop on my account. I love listening to your babbling, it’s always very entertaining. And let’s not forget about it being dang cute too.” He smirks before looking down at Mirabelle who’s playing with his shirt, pinching it between her little fingers and letting it go before doing it all over again. “Don’t you agree, sweetie? Your mama is the cutest thing ever, besides you, of course.”
As usual, she gives him a big drooly smile, and they both laugh.
His words make my stomach churn restlessly, and I have to close my eyes for a moment to calm my nerves.
How am I supposed to resist this man when he says the sweetest things all the time? All the while playing with my little girl like it’s his most favorite thing to do.
Dang it. That’s so unfair.
Apparently, it takes this moment, and seeing these two together for what must be the millionth time, to realize something. If I really want to take our relationship to the next level, I have to tell him about my past first because he deserves to know what happened.
Otherwise, it will all feel like a big lie, and I wouldn’t want him to feel trapped or deceived by me in any way. Even less after knowing about what happened with his ex.
A relationship with him and his profession would already be challenging enough, there really is no reason to make it even harder.
Brushing the hair out of my face, I promise myself to come clean soon. Otherwise, none of this will mean the same. It will lose meaning faster than I can build the memories, and neither one of us deserves that. “Just give me a minute to get our things, and we can leave, okay?”
“Sure thing.” He gives me a big smile, making the butterflies in my stomach swarm around in excitement.
I busy myself for as long as I can, suddenly dreading the drive home. Being in close proximity to the man who’s been occupying my thoughts more and more with every passing day, seems like the last thing I need right now.
When I can’t stall any longer, Hudson holds Mirabelle out to me, confusing me.
His face turns into a grimace. “Sorry. Just in case there are still some paparazzi left outside.”
Oh. I already forgot about the paparazzi again. “Stop apologizing. It’s not your fault.”
It seems like we keep apologizing for something that is neither one of our faults.
“Did you...did you want me to go out first and meet you around the corner?” He looks like it hurts him to say the words, and I hate seeing him this way. My heart breaks for him because no one should feel like that.