“Oh, don’t you worry, I certainly got you covered.”
He picks his fork back up and plays with it. “So, friends, huh?”
Nodding, I give him a small, uncertain smile.
When I look at him, it’s hard to remember why I’m putting on the brakes. But all it takes is one thought about Addy and the things she might still bring upon Hudson, and therefore possibly people close to him too.
He spreads one of his hands out wide to stretch before relaxing it. “I’m not even going to pretend I’m happy about it, not after everything I just told you. But I understand it and respect your decision. Just know I’m right here, waiting for things to go back to normal. Because the second we’ve got this whole chaotic mess off the table, I want us to pick up right where we left off.”
“Thank you, Hudson.” My voice is quiet but strong. Despite this annoying situation—or maybe because of it—I’m grateful for his reaction.
His fork lands in a piece of lemon pie. “We better get going if we want to finish all of this today. Want to eat some more cake with me now?”
“I thought you’d never ask.”
Chapter Fifteen
“Mira,could youpleasehold still for a moment so we can get this over with? I love you very much, sweetie pie, but sometimes you drive me crazy.”
Gathering another ounce of patience, I tackle her again, trying desperately to change her diaper—which is easier said than done. Babies at this age are so active, it’s ridiculous sometimes. Even being still for two seconds is too much to ask.
“Ma-ma, ma-ma.” She gives me a big toothy grin when I hand her yet another toy, hoping that’ll keep her occupied long enough this time.
A soft chuckle makes me lift my head, my eyes immediately trained on the open door without taking my hands off the little wiggle ball in front of me.
“So young and so much trouble already, huh?” Hudson’s voice sounds raspy, like he just rolled out of bed and appeared in my doorway—which is actually a possibility. He’s casually leaning against the doorframe, his arm and chest muscles on full display in a snug light gray T-shirt.
I’m so distracted by him I realize, too late, I loosened my grip on Mira enough for her to flip over. She’s using this moment of freedom to her advantage, crawling off to Hudson as fast as she can—her diaper hanging awkwardly off one side of her little booty.
What can I say? That was all I managed to secure before my thoughts went on a field trip to Hudsonland—the one I tend to get lost in so often.
Chuckling at Mira, he bends down to pick her up. “Good morning, you little rascal. Are you giving Mommy a hard time?” She’s so excited to see him, she keeps hitting him on his shoulder. After snatching her little hand and pretending to eat it, much to Mira’s delight, his eyes lock with mine. “Want some help?”
“Gosh. Yes, please.” I half-groan, earning another amused chuckle from him. The closer he gets, the more Mira squirms in his arms, probably knowing what’s about to happen. At least she’s happy to see Hudson, squealing louder by the second—especially when he talks.
Looks like we both have a thing for his voice.
Sitting down on the plush cream carpet next to me, he lays Mira down in front of us before picking up one of the toys from the floor. He shakes it in front of her, and she’s smiling up at him with a big, goofy grin.
Completely mesmerized by him.
That’s pretty much the only thing I notice since I’m attempting to win my own battle over here—trying to ignore the skin of our naked arms almost touching. On top of that, the scent of his signature aftershave infiltrates my senses, making my body almost hum in appreciation.
How can a scent do something like that?
No, Charlie, stay strong. You wanted to be friends for now, remember?
If it was just that easy.
I should have known better, should have expected this to be a lot harder than I anticipated.
I mentally shake myself out of the haze I’m in, putting in some extra effort to focus on the task at hand.
Rubbing my hands together, I peek over at Hudson. “All right, let’s do this. You entertain her while I close that diaper and put on her leggings, okay? You’re captivating enough, so I should get it done quickly.”
He looks at me like he’s trying hard not to laugh. “Am I now?”
“Are you what?”