Mo has a hard time containing the excitement in her voice, and maybe there’s a hint of eagerness too. “Deal.”

They stare at each other silently for what feels like forever. The urge to clear my throat is so strong, tickling in the back of my throat, I make myself cough in the process. Time to wrap this up before they throw me out of my own bakery, so they can keep staring at each other.

I focus on my best friend first. “All right, we’ll figure out the details when you know more. I know your therapist appointment is coming up, so I’m gonna let you go.”

She picks up her phone from somewhere beside her and looks at the screen. “You’re right, looks like it’s time to meet the slave driver.” She points a finger at me. “Don’t let Hudson walk all over you when he gets back, or I’ll have his balls.” Her gaze shifts to Gabe, and she gives him a dazzling smile. “Sorry, I know he’s your brother, but I have to watch out for my loved ones first. Thank you again for your generous offer, Gabe. I really appreciate it, and I’ll see you soon. Charlie can give you my phone number, so we can arrange things for my arrival.”

She blows me a kiss, and then she’s gone.

At least, Ithinkthe kiss was for me.

I chuckle nervously. “Mo is something else. Do I need to apologize for her already?”

His shoulders shake with laughter when he turns around. “Being different is good, and I’m more than happy to help.” He leans back against the work table. “The guest house will be a lot better for her than some boring hotel room.”

I nod. “I agree. I didn’t want her in a hotel room either, but she can be stubborn. So, thank you. That was very sweet of you to offer.”

“No problem at all.”

“Ready for that phone number before I forget it?”

“You bet.” He gets his phone out of his back pocket and enters Monica’s number as I ramble it off from memory.

Once the phone is back in his jeans, his focus shifts back to me. He studies me silently, folding his arms across his chest.

Man, those Mitchell men sure know how to work their muscles.

He switches the position of his feet. “Apropos offer. I stopped by to see how you’re doing, and if I can help with anything. We all saw the media coverage, and I wanted to make sure you’re all right. We’re used to it by now, but you probably aren’t. And trust me, no one was as shocked about seeing the pictures of Hudson and Addy as we were. Just remember to not believe everything you see. She’s always been one to play the media every chance she gets, and sadly, they eat out of her hand.”

Monica filled me in on every bit of gossip she knew about this woman the media seems to love so much. It left me slightly nauseated, to say the least. The person she pretends to be in the public eye, and the person she seems to be in private—according to a few sources—are apparently two different people.

Talk about being two-faced.

Gabe rubs his forehead. “That’s probably not helping right now, sorry. Anyway, I just wanted to apologize and make sure you’re doing okay.”

“Why would you apologize?”

“He’s my brother.”

“That’s nonsense, Gabe. None of this is even remotely your fault.” Then I nod, maybe a bit over the top, but I can’t seem to stop it. “But yes, sure. Everything’sjustfine.”

He throws his head back and laughs. He reminds me so much of Hudson that a sharp pain shoots straight through my chest.

Dang it.

“Charlie, if there’s one thing I’ve learned about women over the years, it’s thatsomethingis usually wrong when they say they’re fine.”

Got me there, sucker.

Before I can stop myself, the truth slips out of my mouth. “Well, what do you want me to say? That I’m freaked out about everything happening right now, and beyond annoyed and hurt by your brother? I haven’t heard a peep from him, except for a few messages to check in with me—like nothing has changed. And let’s not even talk about those lovely images of the two of them online that I can’t seem to escape for some reason.” With a heaving chest, I look at Gabe in pure shock.

What the heck was that?

Spilling my guts is completely unlike me, especially to a guy like Gabe who’s, in most aspects, still a stranger—even though it doesn’t feel like it. My shoulders slump a little. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t planning on unloading this on you. None of this concerns you. Let’s just pretend I didn’t say any of that stuff.”

“What are you talking about? Of course it concerns me, and I’m glad you’re honest with me. You’re one of us now, so I want to be there for you and help however I can. We all do.” He looks sincere, so extremely genuine, it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.

Swallowing back the lump in my throat, I try very hard not to get all emotional in front of him. He might be able to tell anyway, though, because he opens his arms for me without another word.