“Hm?” I suddenly feel a little dizzy—I think.
On second thought, has someone put a spell on me?
“Did you want me to kiss you earlier?” The directness of his question stuns me for a second, but I can’t dwell on that since I’m lost in his gaze as he comes closer. His movements are painfully slow while my heart feels like it’s going to gallop out of my chest at any moment.
Anticipation. Pure, unapologetic anticipation of what’s to come.
I open my mouth to say something, but nothing comes out.
“Do you want me to kiss you now?” Another step closer.
My heart starts beating even faster, and I’m sure there’s a group of hummingbirds in my stomach, flapping their wings wildly against my insides. It’s like someone pressed my ON button because my body is coming aliveeverywhere.
Why is this starting to feel like foreplay?
My gaze darts back and forth between his eyes and his mouth. His lips look beyond inviting—all soft, pink, and full—practically begging me to do something about this tension that is starting to consume me. I try and swallow past the big lump that has formed in my throat while my eyes track him like a hawk.
“Charlie?” His voice has an edge to it I haven’t heard before. It’s short of a growl—impatient, and so incredibly sexy.
For a moment, I stop thinking and just feel.
Then, I wet my lips and nod. “Yes. Kiss me.”
He closes the distance between us faster than I thought possible, and then his mouth is on mine. He kisses me like he’s starving for me, like he needs me to breathe. His lips are soft yet demanding.
Exploring, wanting, taking.
The kiss deepens, and I’m completely lost.
“Hudson.” His name leaves my lips in a soft moan.
My hands are in his hair, pulling and tugging, while he holds my face protectively before his fingers slowly wander down my body, landing on my hips. He pulls me away from the open doorway and over to the side, pinning me against the wall with his whole body deliciously pressed into mine.
This is the kind of kiss I’ve heard and read about. After all these years of never experiencing one, I thought they didn’t exist.
Boy, was I wrong.
This kiss is everything. It makes me feel alive in a way I’ve never felt before—all-consuming and powerful. It goes deeper than just a physical connection, making me drown in the overwhelming sensation of it all.
Hudson pulls away slightly, kissing my jaw all the way over to my ear. “You taste like fucking heaven.”
A shudder runs through my entire body when he finds a sensitive spot, and my eyes roll back into my head. My hands have a mind of their own and grip his hair even tighter, pulling him as close to me as possible, so I can savor this feeling for as long as I can.
A voice is trying to break through my subconscious, but I’m in a bubble. The only thing I can hear is us—all the little moans and groans mixed with whimpers and harsh breaths.
He’s kissing his way back to my mouth, and I welcome him like it has been years instead of mere seconds when I last kissed him.
“Uh. So sorry, guys, but, Hudson, your phone’s been ringing nonstop. I think it might be important.” The words finally pierce our bubble as someone walks around the corner.
Hudson’s lips stop moving, and his whole body freezes while I stare straight at Gabe as he averts his eyes to the ground. I’m still so caught up in the moment, it takes me a minute to fully snap out of it.
“This better be good.” Hudson’s unhappy groan is loud enough to echo through the hallway as he pushes away from me to walk over to his brother.
Chapter Twelve
Like Gabe suspected,the phone call was indeed important. Hudson had told me last week that he was supposed to fly out to Los Angeles for a meeting with the big bosses of his music label a few days after the party. Apparently, it was an extremely important meeting that got moved up several days without anyone telling them. Hence, his manager was losing his mind, trying to get the band flown out to L.A. that very evening. Sadly, that meant our night ended right then and there, in the hallway at Hudson’s parents’ house.
Even though I understood, I was also upset about it, barely able to get any sleep that night. Maybe it was a premonition of some sort.