I shake my head, trying to deal with all the compliments this woman is throwing my way, and also remembering the reason for today’s party. “It’s nothing at all. And happy birthday.”
“Thank you.”
Hudson steps forward and winks at me. “Just wait until you try it, Mom. Once you’ve had it, you can’t ever get enough of it. You just want more and more and more. It’s an insatiable hunger she instills.” Even though he’s speaking to his mom, his gaze is locked with mine.
Somehow, I can’t shake the feeling he’s not just talking about my baking skills here, and the thought alone makes me squirm.
What has gotten into this guy all of a sudden?
I feel like the rules have changed, but I didn’t get the memo.
Before I can try to dissect his behavior, Hannah comes back in with Mirabelle. “Sorry to interrupt, guys, but I’m afraid they need you out there again, Rebecca. Hudson, you should probably go help too.”
She sighs, promising we’ll talk more later before leaving with Hudson in tow—but not before gushing over Mira for a moment. When Hudson and Mira giggle over something, I’m almost certain I heard her sniffle a little. I’m glad she’s just as awesome as the rest of the family. Somehow, it feels like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders.
“Are you all done over here?” Hannah peeks over the kitchen bar after the other two finally leave, looking happy when she sees the cake, and all the platters filled with various treats. “You’ve done a great job. Everything looks fantastic, and I’m sure you’ll make a lot of future customers today.”
“I hope everyone will like it.” I feel a little nervous about so many people judging what I made, but I better get used to it—fast.
“They’ll love it. Let’s go outside, and you can meet the rest of the family—at least the ones that are already here.”
Letting out a big breath, I rub my hands on my thighs. “All right. I’m as ready as I’ll ever be, so let’s do this.”
When we stand right in front of the French doors, I catch my first glimpse of the backyard and gasp. I’ve never seen anything this beautiful before—it looks straight out of one of those garden magazines my grandma used to have.
Big mature trees frame the huge, green lawn, and there are flowers surrounding it everywhere. The strong scent drifts into my nose immediately, making me sigh in a mixture of pure bliss and happiness. Tents are set up about halfway down the yard, but I’m sure whatever lies beyond is just as beautiful as the rest.
“Grandma would’ve loved it here.” The words come out of my mouth without me thinking about it.
Hannah nods in agreement beside me. “I agree. I always think of her when I’m out here. I wish she could’ve seen it.”
“Me too...I miss her.”
She squeezes my arm for a moment before setting her hand back on Mira, who is suddenly getting all squirmy. “I’m sure you do, honey. Just remember, they’re always in your heart. My favorite spot is all the way in the back, where the gazebo is. There’s a little pond, and it’s the most peaceful place. I like to sit there and think of your grandma and all the shenanigans we got into over the years. She truly was the best.”
Nodding at her, I try to see where she’s pointing.
“It’s hard to see from here with all the party tents in the way. I can show it to you, if you’d like.”
“Show her what, Grandma?” Hudson is suddenly right in front of us, startling me yet again.
I’m seriously starting to wonder if he’s had some sort of ninja training, with all the appearing out of thin air acts he keeps doing.
Hannah shifts Mirabelle around in her arms. “I was just telling Charlie about the pond.”
“Ah. Let’s go see it, shall we?” He looks from me to Mirabelle. “Wanna come with us and look at the fishies, Mira?”
With little to no hesitation, she leaps into his outstretched arms, and I’m quietly wondering how I feel about that fact. They both beam at me, making me smile in return. Without a warning, Hudson takes my hand, pulling me after them. The skin contact has sparks shooting through my whole body.
We walk down a little stone path on one side of the yard. It leads us past the party chaos—that we thankfully ignore—all the way down to the little pond. A few sea roses float on top while some fish swim around, poking out their little heads here and there. It’s beautiful, just like Hannah said.
“Look, Mira, there are the fishies.” Hudson points toward the water, and we know the exact moment she sees them too. Her eyes go wide, and a huge grin spreads across her face. She starts babbling in excitement, and it’s the most adorable thing.
A sense of overwhelming emotions for this little human overcomes me, and I softly brush my hand over her hair and cheek. “Gosh, you’re so cute.”
“Truest thing I’ve heard all day.” The male voice comes from behind me. “Who’s this lovely young lady, Hudson?”
Hudson looks over my shoulder and turns around to face whoever is approaching. “This is Mira.”