Hannah points to a big, empty spot in the far corner of the dark granite kitchen counter. “Just put the boxes over there. I’ll help you set up everything in a minute.”

“Thank you! I’m just gonna go back to the car to get the other ones. I’ll be right back.” After declining both Hudson’s and Hannah’s help multiple times, I practically run out of the house.

When I come back into the kitchen, I’m greeted with a scene so sweet it makes my heart swell to endless boundaries.

Hudson has Mirabelle in his arms, going back and forth between blowing raspberries on her belly and blowing the hair out of her face. Mirabelle is giggling, squealing, and clapping her hands in pure happiness. My steps falter, and I swallow the big sigh that wants to escape my throat. Hurrying up, I put the remaining cake boxes next to the other ones before something really bad happens, like me dropping them.

Hannah has set out big serving platters for me. I walk over to the sink to wash my hands when she walks up next to me. “They need me out back for a minute. Do you want me to take Mira with me? Hudson can help you with things in here.”

“Whatever works for you. It shouldn’t take us long, so I can come and find you when I’m done.”

“Sounds perfect. See you in a minute then.” She claps her hands a few times again to get Mira’s attention, who’s happy to switch arms again. “Hudson, be a dear and help Charlie, please. I’ll be on damage control duty out back.”

“Don’t worry about us, Grandma. I’ve got Charlie covered.”

“I’m sure you do.” Hannah laughs at him before leaving with Mira in her arms.

Hudson and I work silently side by side for a few moments. While he puts the pastries and cupcakes on platters, I get the different pieces of cake out of the box, making sure it really survived the drive without any damages before putting the tiers back together.

After disposing of the empty boxes, I turn around to find Hudson right in front of me.

He scratches the back of his neck before looking me straight in the eyes. “I wanted to apologize if I came on too strong outside. But I haven’t been able to get you out of my head, especially since you agreed to be my date for today. All I’ve been able to think about is how badly I want to kiss you.”

I laugh nervously, not sure where to look. “Well, no one can say you aren’t direct.”

Shrugging his shoulder, he leans in another inch. “I know what I want, and I’m tired of pretending this insane chemistry between us doesn’t exist.”

He’s definitely right about that. I’ve tried so hard to ignore any kind of attraction I might feel for him, but I think I’ve gotten to the point when even I have to admit defeat.

Closer than ever before, I feel Hudson’s warm breath on my face, reminding me of chocolate and mint.

“Hudson, where are you?” A female voice comes from the back of the house, loud, followed by fast footsteps approaching.

He groans and his head drops, hanging low between us. “Soon, Charlie.” Displeasure is written all over his handsome face as he steps away from me with the promise hanging quietly between us. “I’m in the kitchen, Mom.”

Chapter Ten

Before I can even beginto miss Hudson’s closeness or think about what almost happened between us, a woman enters the kitchen through the white French doors. She’s wearing a flowery summer dress with a jean jacket over it. Her blonde hair is cut in a long bob, swinging with every step she takes.

“Oh, thank goodness I found you. I’ve been looking for you everywhere. Could you come outside and help your brother with some last-minute tent changes, please?” Her eyes swing from Hudson to me, as if she didn’t see me before. “I’m so sorry, how incredibly rude of me.”

Her hand goes up to her chest as she walks over to us. The corners of her mouth lift into a big smile, the same beautiful smile Hudson has.

“Mom, this is—”

“Charlie.” She finishes Hudson’s sentence, and before I can say a word, she pulls me in for a hug. “I’m so happy to finally meet you. I’ve heard so many great things about you.”

After a moment, she steps back, holding me out in front of her at arm’s length. Her gaze sweeps over me from head to toe, and I almost expect her to twirl me around. Instead, she pulls me in for another hug. This time, she holds me tighter, her mouth close to my ear. “I hope I’m not overstepping any boundaries, but I wanted you to know I’m incredibly sorry for your loss. I’ve heard so many wonderful stories about your family over the years. I’m thrilled my mom talked you into moving to Brooksville. We all love having you here.”

The whispered words pierce right into my heart, and I have to swallow hard to keep the tears at bay. I didn’t even think about the fact that Hannah might have told her about my family, even though it makes sense. My grandmother and Hannah were best friends for a very long time, so it’s not surprising she knows about my grandma and sister.

“Thank you, Mrs. Mitchell.” I feel Hudson’s eyes on me, so I keep my voice low. I don’t think he knows anything about my family, and I’d rather keep it that way—for now, at least. I need more time before I feel ready to share that part of my life with him.

She squeezes my shoulders one more time before letting go. “Please, call me Rebecca. And you really are just as beautiful as my mom told me. You’re her favorite person to talk about at the moment, besides your little cutie pie, of course—who I still have to meet too.” She gives me another big smile, probably trying to lighten the mood, and I’m grateful for it.

I feel my cheeks heat up, and if Hudson’s chuckle is anything to go by, my blush is pretty apparent. “You’re very kind, thank you.”

“It’s just the truth, dear. I’m very happy you’re here. Also, thanks so much for making all the treats, and the cake. Everything looks perfect.”