I let out a loud sigh. “You’re gonna be after him, aren’t you?”
“Not if you snatch him first.” She winks at me and giggles. “I might still have to squeeze that fine ass, though, if I get a chance.”
“Goodness. Please don’t. I actually live there now and have to show my face around town.”
She throws up her hands in exasperation. “Come on, you can’t tell me you haven’t at least thought about it. I mean, that man is pretty much perfection. Have you actually looked at him? Like,reallylooked at him?”
“Of course I have, I’m not blind. There’s no denying he’s freaking gorgeous. Actually, he might be the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen in my life. If I could get away with it, I’d just stare at him all day long. There, are you happy now?” I look out the hospital window at the sunny New York sky, suddenly feeling a little embarrassed by my admission. It’s so unlike me to blurt out things like that.
“Very.” Her one-word answer makes me look back at her. “Does that mean you’ll go on a date with him?”
“I don’t know, Mo. Maybe, possibly. He might not even ask again.” A little ache settles in my chest at the very real possibility.
Monica’s studying me, silently urging me to take the chance, to venture out of my comfort zone and take a risk. “Somehow, I have a feeling he’s going to ask again.”
I can’t even blame her for being pushy, because if the roles were reversed, I’d most likely do the same. That’s what best friends are for, to sometimes help each other make uncomfortable decisions when they think it’s for the best.
The realization hits me that I’m actually contemplating this crazy idea, but perhaps she’s right. Maybe itistime for me to move on with my life, and try and get over my past in every possible way.
When I meet her gaze again, a few moments later, her eyes go wide in excitement. She starts clapping and cheering before I even get the next words out of my mouth.
“Yes, if he asks again, I will.”
Chapter Eight
The California sunis blindingly bright when I step out of the airport terminal. I push the stroller and suitcase to the side, deciding to give my eyes a moment to adjust since it’s probably safer than walking straight into someone, or worse, traffic. Istillmanage to almost trip over my own two feet, as a set of strong hands grab my waist tightly from behind, saving me from eating the ground.
“Easy there.” A shiver runs down my spine at the low voice whispering in my ear as he lets me go, and I immediately miss his touch.
I’m not sure my heart knows what’s going on, but it seems to think we’re in the middle of running a marathon.
Betrayed by my own body.That could certainly be the new theme song of my life, at least whenever a certain rockstar is around.
“Hi, Hudson. Thanks for catching me.” My voice sounds hoarse and my cheeks heat up. From the sound of his chuckle, he’s still right behind me, and I’m not sure I’m capable of facing him this close without going into cardiac arrest.
“No problem, happy to help.”
While I’m still debating if I should turn around or not, he takes the decision out of my hand by walking around me. When he’s standing in front of me, I’m confused by the serious expression on his face, instead of the friendly and welcoming one I expected. His baseball cap sits low on his forehead, and dark sunglasses hide his eyes. I’m not sure that’s actually providing him with any sort of anonymity, but it seems to be better than nothing.
His chin lifts a couple inches, nodding toward the crowd of people walking in front of the terminal. “Who was that?”
“Who?” His question takes me by surprise, as I’m still busy re-memorizing his face, like I could’ve forgotten it in the short time we were gone. It’s still nice to stare at, though.
His eyebrows are knitted together tightly, and I’m not sure if he’s looking at me or something over my shoulder since I can’t see his eyes. “The guy who waved at you when you left the building.”
Oh, that guy. I already forgot all about him. “That was Martin. We met him on the flight. Thankfully. He helped us with our luggage and the stroller. You wouldn’t believe how hard it can be to navigate a stroller while dealing with all the luggage too.” I blow a strand of hair out of my face, slowly starting to get a little hot.
“Well, that wasniceof him.” His lips press into a thin line before he shifts his focus to the stroller. The canopy is pulled down as far as it goes, covering most of Mira’s body. “Is she sleeping?” He peeks through the clear cutout in the top before turning back to me.
Nodding, I let out a big breath. “Yes, finally. She fought it the whole flight, started crying when we started our descent, and then finally passed out ten seconds before we landed. She has the worst timing, but it’s all over now.” I grab the water bottle from the stroller and take a big gulp.
“Poor thing, she must be exhausted.” He looks at Mira one more time before holding out his hand to me.
I stare at it for a moment, my breath catching in my throat. He can’t possibly—
“Let me carry your suitcase.”
The sound that comes out of my mouth is a mix of nervous laughter and a cough. Heat spreads up my throat and onto my cheeks, and I can only hope the combination of the bright sun blasting down on us and Hudson’s dark sunglasses make it impossible for him to notice my embarrassment. “Of course. Thank you.”