“I just wasn’t sure you’d ever like anyone again. I was so worried about you after Sebastian.” Her voice softens, and I know exactly what she’s talking about because I was worried too. I wasn’t sure I could ever like another guy again either, or if I even wanted to.

Now, I’m not sure about anything—all because of Hudson.

“Mo, as much as I like him, I don’t think he’s the right guy for the job.” Monica has been my best friend since elementary school, and we’ve always been honest with each other. No need to change that now. “And this is not just about me anymore either. Not only could he break my heart ten times worse than all the other guys before him combined, I also have to think about Mira. How could I ever risk her heart?”

Monica studies me for a moment before speaking. “Because love is worth it, and you both deserve a good guy in your lives.” She says it like a statement, like it shouldn’t be questioned, and I’m guessing in her eyes, that’s the case.

I shake my head at the crazy girl I call my best friend.

“And because you have the chance to get down and dirty with Hudson freaking Mitchell, Charlie. Just do it for me, girl. You can’t let a chance like this pass.” She levels me with a death stare, and I burst into laughter before slamming my hands over my mouth to stay quiet.

Only Monica would do a one-eighty like this.

It’s like she knew I needed her craziness because, just like that, my weird mood is gone. “Of course you’d say something like that.”

“Come on, you can’t blame me. I mean, have you seen his ass?” She sighs loudly, a dreamy expression on her face.

“Nope. But how about his abs?” I giggle as her gaze snaps to my face, her mouth wide open as she stares at me.

“You’ve seen hisabs? You better not be toying with me right now, or I will never ever forgive you for such a lie.”

Even though she’s glaring at me, I can’t deny I’m enjoying this just a little bit. I don’t get these moments often, so I take my time to relish in this one. “Did I not tell you how we met? Oops.”

“You better spill the beans, or I’ll come over there, broken leg be damned.”

I have no doubt in my mind she’d actually do it too, so I quickly fill her in on everything, having a hard time making it through the story without bursting out laughing at her stunned expression.

“I cannot believe you haven’t told me about this before. You are the worst best friend ever.” She smacks her lips a few times, shaking her head at me, like I did something far worse than not telling her how I met one of her favorite musicians. “Unbelievable.”

“Sorry, Mo.” I can’t help myself and chuckle again, earning another death glare from her. It’s not easy to surprise Monica like this, let alone make her speechless.

“Does he have a happy trail?” She wiggles her eyebrows at me, her face lighting up with excitement. And just like that, she’s getting over her own shock by shocking me.

I hide my face in my hands, absolutely certain I have a healthy flush on my cheeks. “Oh my gosh. I can’t believe you just asked me that.” I peek at her from between my fingers, confirming she’s still waiting for an answer, her big grin firmly back in place. “Yes, okay? Yes, yes, yes. He has a freaking happy trail, framed by the perfect V-cut, all of it disappearing into a probably very impressive happy place.”

Monica looks at me, her eyes wide as saucers, her head cocked to the side. A second later, she laughs. “Wow. Look at you, I’m impressed. This one’s really done a number on you, hasn’t he?”

If I thought I was confused about Hudson before, I’m completely puzzled now. Talking to someone about him makes him even more compelling. I blink at my best friend. “I guess so.”

“Well, I can’t wait to meet him soon.” Her smile is wide, but just when I’m about to ask her what the heck she’s talking about, Mira whimpers.

“Hold that thought, we’re not done here.” I point at Monica before getting up to walk over to the stroller. Mira looks at me through droopy eyelids, one of her little hands rubbing her eye. Her fine, blonde hair stands up in every possible direction, a sight that still makes me smile every single day. “Hi, sweetie pie. Did Aunt Mo wake you up?”

Monica huffs behind me as I bend down to get closer to Mira. She stretches her hands up in the air before reaching for me. I unbuckle her so I can get her out, and she immediately puts her head on my shoulder. My eyes close instinctively, cherishing these small moments with her. Rubbing her back for a moment, I walk over to sit back down in the chair. It usually takes her a few minutes to fully wake up, but then she’s ready to go.

My gaze zooms back in on Monica. “What exactly did you mean when you said you can’t wait to meet him soon?”

She clasps her hands together in her lap. “Well, the doctors said I’ll be out for quite a while, and my dance group already knows about that. Obviously, they weren’t happy about the news, but it’s not like anyone can change what happened.”

“I’m sorry, Mo. I know this must be hard for you.” I try to keep my tone as gentle as possible.

Shrugging her shoulders, she waves me off. “It’s okay. It could’ve been a lot worse, so I’m happy there’s a possibility of recovery, at least—even though it’s gonna be a pain to get there. Literally. But anyway. You know I love my parents, but my mom’s already driving me crazy just visiting. There’s no way I’m gonna stay at their place for longer than I have to. And since I don’t have a place in the city anymore, I thought I could come see you guys for a bit. Only if that’s okay with you, of course. The doctors said they’d like me to start in the rehabilitation facility here, but that I should be okay to continue my physical therapy anywhere, as long as I stick to it.”

My smile is so big, I’m afraid my face will crack at any moment. “Are you serious right now?”

Monica nods, and I want to jump up and run over to her, but refrain from doing that with Mira in my arms. Instead, I squeal a little, hoping my voice portrays all the enthusiasm I feel. “Best news ever. Of course we’d love to have you. You don’t even have to ask that. I’m so excited.”

“Me too. I was ready for some time off anyway, even though I wasn’t planning on spending it this way. At least I’ll get to be with you guys. Plus, I’ve heard you’ve got some nice eye candy in town.” She sits up further in her white hospital bed, wiggling her eyebrows.