Apparently, Hudson doesn’t have to think long since he answers almost immediately. “Definitely one of my stage-diving experiences a few years ago. It was a hot summer day, and the crowd was crazier than usual. A woman twice my size pulled me down into the audience and put me in a chokehold before I even had a chance to stand. She said she’d only let me go if I promised to marry her. Needless to say, that was my last stage-dive.”

“What?” That certainly got my attention, the disbelief of it temporarily making me forget about the moment we just shared. My hands stop in the middle of filling up the icing bag. “You’re kidding.”

He shakes his head and chuckles. “Nope. My band members thought it was hilarious, and the press had a field day with it too. Sadly, that means I’ve got plenty of proof.”

“Wow.” It’s crazy to imagine anything like that happening. Quite impossible actually, for me.

He shrugs, his hands busy again. “It’s okay. The good moments usually outweigh the bad ones.”

“Did you always want to play music?”

“For as long as I remember.” Hudson’s staring at the wall opposite him, his eyes shimmering with an expression I haven’t seen before. “Every single time I was with my grandpa, there was music—either on the radio, or he played it himself with one of his many instruments. It made him incredibly happy, and I guess it kind of became our thing.”

A cloudy look crosses his face, his lips almost white from pressing them together so tightly. “When he passed away, I was only thirteen. And let’s just say, I didn’t take it well. The pain was almost unbearable, and music the only thing that helped. I ended up playing on a daily basis and never looked back.”

“I’m so sorry, Hudson.” Losing someone you love is the absolute worst.

“Thank you.” He’s still not looking at me, and the urge to reach out and comfort him is hard to resist. His chest heaves up and down, like he’s inhaling big bouts of air, before he continues. “Anyway. Shortly after, my friends and I formed our band. We were discovered only a few years later after posting some videos online.”

It’s easy to tell he’s trying to move on from the uncomfortable topic, and I’m trying my best to help with that. “That’s cool. I bet that made things a lot easier to be discovered that way.”

“It did.”

I’m still mulling over all this newfound information when I feel his eyes on me.

“Since we’re playing this game, can I ask you a question too?”

Dread overcomes me immediately. When someone inquires if they can ask you something, it’s most likely a loaded question. My instinct wants me to say no, but that would be rather hypocritical.

“Okay.” I draw out the word, not sounding sure at all. This time, I don’t look away, ready to face whatever he’s planning on throwing my way. Noticing the way he’s biting his cheek, I’d say it’s going to be something embarrassing or upsetting.

After rubbing his jaw with the back of his hand, he finally spits it out. “Does Mira see her dad often? I haven’t heard you talk about him.”

Well, that conversation just went in a totally different direction rather quickly.

“Nope. It’s just us.” For some reason, I’m actually glad he asked me that question, happy this little bit of information is out in the open, even though it makes me uncomfortable.

This conversation is making one thing crystal clear—I’m starting to like Hudson, and I’m not sure how I feel about that yet.

Even though his curious eyes are still on me, I try to stir things away not only from myself but also into safer territory. I decide to ask the first thing that comes to mind. “What job would you be terrible at?”

Hudson doesn’t react at all for a moment, making me anxious I hit another nerve with my question, but then he throws his head back and laughs.

I release a sigh, at the same time wondering what’s so funny.

After calming down, he shakes his head. “I’m afraid there are a lot of things I’m bad at, but right now, I have to say I’d be the worst baker ever.”

He motions toward the counter, and my eyes go wide when I see what’s in front of him.

Chapter Six

Laughing doesn’t seemto be enough for the sight in front of me, so I snort a little too. “What on earth have you been doing over there?”

Hudson joins in, and it feels good to crack up over something, to completely let loose without a care in the world. It feels like it’s been forever since I’ve done that.

Folding up a few pieces of chocolate-stuffed dough into rectangles was apparently more than our rockstar could handle. Instead, the croissants have no recognizable shape whatsoever. Each one is just a big blob with chocolate bits and pieces sticking out at every possible angle.

“I can’t...I don’t know what to say.” My voice comes out in almost a shriek, and I have to look away from his baking attempt before I start crying from all the laughing.