He puffs out his chest, looking pretty proud of himself. “You’re absolutely right. At least I’m not ashamed of admitting I’ve missed you guys the most.”
“I can certainly live with that. We missed you too. A lot.” A snicker rumbles through my body. “Particularly Mira. I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve heard ‘Daddy’ here, ‘Daddy’ there, especially since she started talking so much more over the last few months.”
“Good. I can’t wait to spend more time with her. Maybe she can come up to the academy with me sometime next week? I already have a few music sessions planned.”
I nod enthusiastically. “She’d absolutely love it, no doubt about it.”
“Perfect. Now let’s go.” He pulls me out of the bathroom, through our bedroom, and down the stairs.
“What is going on with you this morning?” I laugh at his unusual behavior, trying to keep up with his rushed steps. “Usually you’d be the first one to say ‘screw everyone,’ and have me pressed up against a wall.”
“Later, sweetheart.” He squeezes my hand and turns around to grin at me. “It’s a big day, so I’m excited.”
I sigh loudly, knowing exactly how right he is.
Todayisa big day.
“Hudson, stop for a second. There’s something I need to—”
My words trail off as we walk into the kitchen, and I stop at the sight in front of me.
The whole room is filled with flowers. Tulips, to be exact. My favorites. They’re everywhere—on the kitchen bar, the big island, the countertops, the bar stools. Wherever the eye can see, there are tulips in all possible colors.
It’s nothing like I’ve ever seen. So beautiful.
“Wow, I…” That’s pretty much all I can think of saying.
“Shh.” Hudson chuckles as he holds my hands, exhaling loudly as he slowly goes down on one knee. “My turn first.”
Despite the situation, we both have to laugh, and I’m already loving this moment more than I ever thought I could.
Even though I can’t believethis momentis really happening.
“Charlie, right here in this kitchen is where we first met and where our journey began. You had me mesmerized from the first second, even when I only caught a glance of you before you threw a ball of dough in my face. You’re beautifully different and everything I could’ve ever dreamed of finding in a partner. You’ve brought me so much joy by not only being the wonderful person you are, but also by enriching my life even more with our beautiful girl.” He pauses to take a deep breath and reaches into his pocket.
Even though I know what’s coming, my breath still hitches in my throat, my hands shaking like trees in the wind. A sigh escapes my mouth when his hand appears in front of me, but this time, he’s holding a beautiful ring between his fingers.
“Sweetheart, there’s never going to be anyone more perfect for me than you, and I can’t imagine the rest of my life with anyone but you and Mira. Would you do me the honor of becoming my wife and letting me officially be Mira’s father?”
Tears run down my cheeks as I look at this beautiful man in front of me. Seeing him down on one knee brings out emotions I didn’t know existed—they’re so overwhelming that my knees start shaking too. I was certain I’d cry today, I just didn’t know it was going to be this early on or for this reason.
He’s still looking up at me expectantly, making me realize I haven’t given him an answer yet.
“Yes, yes, yes. Absolutely yes.”
Before he can get back up on his feet, I throw myself into his arms, making both of us topple over onto the floor. “Of course I’ll marry you.”
He laughs and pulls my face to his, showering me with impatient kisses.
After a few minutes, he pushes me back gently so we’re both seated on the floor.
He gently lifts up my hand. “May I?”
I nod eagerly, spreading out my fingers in anticipation. Once the ring is on my finger, I pull it close to my face to get a better look at it. It’s different than anything I’ve ever seen, but somehow it looks familiar too. I don’t know much about jewelry, but it looks like it’s vintage with a modern look to it.
It’s absolutely breathtaking.
“Do you like it?” Hudson’s voice is filled with uncertainty. “We can get you something else if you want. No worries at all. I know it’s nothing big and fancy, but I thought it would—”