Shaking his head, he rakes one of his hands through his hair. “No! I’m the one who should apologize. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”

“I know.” We’re staring at each other, and I realize I’m already trying to figure this guy out, not sure how to feel about him. So far, he doesn’t seem like a jerk. And to be honest, I would expect a lot of people of his status to be—even though they shouldn't be—but there are bratty people everywhere.

My gut seems to think he’s a nice guy though, so I’ll just go with that for now. It’s a sobering thought since I haven’t exactly been thinking about guys in any capacity in almost a year. My brain cells return from whatever planet they disappeared to, and I’m glad I can stop staring at him like an idiot now. “You didn’t deserve that. It just hit a nerve, I guess.”

His eyebrows draw together so much they almost touch, and I hate knowing I’m the reason for that frown. I usually consider myself a pretty friendly and easygoing person, contrary to how I just acted in front of this famous stranger. Embarrassment at this whole situation rushes through me, and I avert my gaze.

The sudden wail coming from Mira makes me feel crappy for a whole other reason. During this short exchange with Hudson, I forgot everything around me. I just met this man, and he’s already invading my senses. We both look over as Mira complains about her bottle that fell off the highchair.

Hudson holds up his right hand. “I’ll get it.”

“Thank you.”

I watch him as he picks it up from the big mat we put underneath the highchair and hands it back to Mira. She looks at him for a moment before going back to happily drinking her water while also using the spout as a teething toy. Apparently, watching Hudson and me while also playing with her bottle is entertaining enough for her right now.

Hudson stays close to her this time, probably in case she needs help again, but turns in my direction. “I was going to say I probably could have worded it better—actually, there’s no probably about that. What I should’ve said is I could use your help for something too. But only if you’re up for it.”

Without a doubt, this sounds miles better. It doesn’t make my body jump straight into panic mode, and makes me feel more like an equal, maybe even a friend instead of a subordinate. Since I promised myself to never feel like that again, it’s indispensable.

When I respond this time, I manage to keep my tone light and friendly. “Well, it depends on what it is.” The corners of my mouth lift into a small smile before I realize it, and I’m surprised at how I’m once more back to feeling at ease with him.

Maybe it’s not such a big surprise, after all though, considering I felt the same way with Hannah too. It may very well be a family trait.

“Let’s hear it.” My curiosity has taken over, and I’m blatantly staring at him now, the mix in front of me completely forgotten.

He doesn’t say anything for a moment, almost as if he wants to give me a chance to openly study him first. His features are all dark—from the dark hair on top of his head that’s pushed back carelessly after his shower, to his brown eyes that feel like they can burn a hole in my body with a look alone—or at the very least, set me on fire—down to the chiseled jaw that’s all sharp angles and covered in a light dusting of dark hair. He looks like the epitome of rugged and manly, making me groan inwardly.

Of course, after swearing off men until Mira is at least a teenager, I end up with one of the sexiestroommatesalive.

Heck, he probablywasvoted “Sexiest Man Alive” at some point.

Without a doubt, women around the world—and probably plenty of men too—have been drooling all over him during the lifetime of his career.

I snort at the thought, pretty sure Monica, who’s obsessed with all things celebrities, would jump on the next airplane to California if she knew what was going on here.

“What are you thinking about?” With a hint of a smile, Hudson’s smooth voice interrupts my thoughts about my best friend, making me aware I’m still staring at him.

Great. I’ve officially moved into awkward territory, and he probably thinks I’m going to turn out to be just another groupie.

“Nothing really.” Clearing my throat, I tell my mind and body to stop ogling him. It seems like I’ve lost control over both the second this man walked into the house. It’s not like I haven’t seen a gorgeous man before.

And let’s face it. At the end of the day, they all poop, right? Yes.Yes!There you go. He poops like everyone else, problem solved.

Hudson smirks, like he knows exactly what’s going on behind my probably flour-coated forehead. “Well, I was hoping you’d agree to spending some time with me.” He leans casually against the table, folding his arms across his chest.

Losing my inner battle, my eyes flicker momentarily to his bulging biceps before I tear my gaze back to his face. If I didn’t know better, I’d think he’s doing this on purpose to taunt me.

Actually, Idon’tknow better.Mmm.

His words finally register, and I stare at him in disbelief. “What?” Before I know what I’m doing, I shake my head, almost violently. “Sorry, Hudson, but I don’t date. Don’t worry though, it’s no big deal. I can get the bakery ready by myself, like I’ve been planning on anyway. That’s why I gave myself several months to get it ready for the grand opening, so I wouldn’t run into any problems.”

Just thinking about going on a date with this man sends my body into a frenzy, and I’m sure the slight panic is visible on my face.

Mira chooses that moment to fling her water bottle to the floor again, and I’m pretty sure she’s done this time. After washing my hands in the sink, I get a washcloth ready to wipe her off.

Hudson clears his throat and presses his lips together. “As much as I wouldn’t mind going on a date with you, that’s not exactly what I meant.”

Oh my goodness.