Page 30 of Black Lace

I pull her down to kiss me while we fuck and then let her ride me again. She grinds her clit against my pubic bone and there's something incredibly erotic about watching her take pleasure from my body. I can tell that she's seeking an orgasm and I'm excited to watch her when it hits. Her long hair is falling over one shoulder while her other one is bare.

Her pussy is tight as she fucks me and I can tell her orgasm is getting closer when she squeezes her eyes shut tight while she continues what she's doing. I love that I'm getting to know these signs and I want to commit every second of this to memory. She bites her lip as her breathing rate increases and then her body shakeswhen her orgasm hits. Her pussy clenches my cock over and over while she continues to ride me.

"Fuck, yes, Dec. Oh, fuck. Your cock feels so good inside me. Yes!"

"You're so beautiful when you come for me, Sexy."

It's an absolutely glorious sight to behold and I wish that I could be inside her every moment of every day making sure that she's always in this level of ecstasy. I'm surprised when she keeps going despite the fact that she's clearly sensitive after her orgasm. I love how her body shakes sporadically and her pussy keeps me in a vice-like grip while we fuck until she comes again.

I pull her down to kiss me and begin to fuck her in earnest. I want to come inside this woman and know that she's satisfied.

"Come for me, Declan," she says on a panting breath. "I need you to come for me."

Her words do me in and I lose myself to the pleasure she's giving me. I grunt as my cock jerks and I empty myself inside her.

"Fuck, Tiffany," I moan, then hold her tight to me and kiss her again. "You're amazing."

She rests on me and I don't make any attempts to move, I just lie with her in post-orgasmic bliss and soak in the feeling of having made love to the most beautiful woman in the world. None of this feels real, even though I know it is. After so many years imaginingwhat it would be like, I'm surprised that it's so much better than I ever thought it would be.

My cock is softening inside her and I still I think I could go again if she wanted to. I could just spend as long as I need to eating her out until I was hard again.

I grin at this thought and Tiff lifts her head to give me a curious look. "What's that smile for?"

"I just thought that I should eat you out until I'm hard and then fuck you again," I inform her.

She squeezes my cock with her internal muscles and I groan. "Maybe I should just stay right here until you get hard and are ready to fuck me again."

The thought of literally just staying inside Tiffany Carter until I'm good to go for another round is hot as hell. "I would love to do that, but I think we'll need to leave soon if you want to see your Gramps today. Maybe you should just video call him and call out sick for the rest of the week and we can stay here with me permanently inside you."

"Sounds like a solid plan. Let me just grab my phone." She leans over toward where her phone is sitting on the side table, but she can't reach it. "Damn. I can't get to it. I guess we will just have to go back to the city today after all."

I laugh and kiss her. "Oh well, it was a good idea. Too bad it didn't pan out."

We get up from the bed and head to the shower to clean up. I'm struck once again by how lucky I am to beable to have Tiff like this. I spend a long time kissing her under the warm spray and I slide my hand down between her legs to finger her while we make out. I'm ecstatic when she falls apart from what I'm doing, and she clings onto to me for dear life as she comes.

"Declan, yes!"

"I'm honestly never going to tire of hearing you scream my name, Sexy," I tell her as I pull her against me for another kiss.

This has been the most amazing weekend of my life. If the world ended today, I would die a happy man.




I callin sick to work on Monday morning, even though we’ve decided to come home today. I know the gossip in the office will be running wild, but I’m sure news of Gramps’ heart attack will have reached them by now. So, I’m hoping people will think that’s why I’ve taken an incredibly rare day off work.

I finally check our group chat when I’m sitting in Dec’s car, and we’re on our way back to the city. A massive argument between my sisters and Ben blew up in there on Saturday. Teddy even got involved, backing Jasmine up, and it’s nice to see everyone defending me.

One line of text jumps out from the screen in front of me.

Benjamin Littrell has left the chat.

“Ben left the group chat?” I gasp at Dec.

“Yeah, he left before I came to see you on Saturday.” Dec’s jaw is tight when he tells me this.