We headto my bedroom and I have the pleasure of fucking her yet again. When we've cleaned up, I take her hand and lead her from the bathroom back to my bed. I don't have any doubt in my mind that she will want to spend tonight with me.
"How early do we need to leave in the morning, Sexy?" I ask as she nestles against me in the bed.
Her body tenses, but then relaxes quickly. "I think I might call in sick."
I put the back of my hand to her forehead and tease her, "Are you feeling okay?"
She laughs and then gets a serious look on her face. "I'm not ready to see everyone yet. I don't know who knows what, but with Gramps having had a heart attack, I doubt anyone will question my absence."
I feel terrible for my joke and frownat her. "Sorry. You're right. Are you worried about going back to the city?"
"Yes and no. I do still want to go home tomorrow to see Gramps even if I don't go to work. I know Jazz said he's okay, but I still want to see him again and make sure." She gives a small, sweet sigh, and I wish I could take away every ounce of pain and worry from her mind. "I'd be lying if I said that I have zero concerns about going home. I know I'm going to have to see Ben at some point and I really don't want to."
Her words about still loving him prick at my heart, though it's hard to feel at all concerned about how she feels toward me when I have her lying naked in my bed and safely wrapped in my arms.
"I'm more than happy to see him in your stead." I smirk at her. "I mean, we could video call him now and get it over and done with. 'Hey, Ben. I'm fucking your ex-fiancée since you were so stupid that you let her go.' What do you think?"
She laughs and even though it sounds like a genuine laugh, I can tell that there's a tinge of sadness to it as well. "I'm not sure that's a brilliant idea. Maybe we could workshop some better ways to break the news to him than that."
I kiss her soft lips and tell her, "I was joking, of course, but I hope you know that whenever or wherever you need me, I'll be there. If that's telling Ben about us, then I'll be by your side, but if you need todo that privately, then I'm happy to not be there as well."
Some tiny dart of concern makes its way to my brain about how that conversation could possibly play out and worry that he could convince her to get back with him begins to bloom in my mind until she kisses me again and all thoughts are wiped from my brain.
"Thanks. I really mean it." She's silent for a few moments and she rests her head back on my chest. "I don't know how I would've coped with any of this without you. It's not just the sex, either." She kisses my bare chest, her lips soft against my skin. "It's just the support. Knowing that I have you. It means everything to me."
"But it's mostly the sex, isn't it?" I tease her.
She laughs and turns her face up to mine to kiss me, then says, "Yes. It's mostly the sex."
I turn the lights off and get the incredible enjoyment of falling asleep with Tiffany Carter in my arms again. It’s a phenomenal experience, and when her breathing evens out, I revel in holding her warm body close to mine, keeping her safe from anything that might hurt her.
I can't pretend that it's going to be easy for us to go back to the city and face our friends and families, let alone Ben, but it's also hard to even worry about that when she's here with me.
I wake before she does in the morning and she'slying with her head on my chest when she wakes. I feel a smile come to her face and I have an incredible sense of peace waking with her next to me.
"Morning, Dec," she says and pulls herself tighter in to me.
Immense pleasure floods through me at hearing my name come from her lips. "I'm glad to hear you got the right name this morning, Sexy."
She laughs and turns her face up to mine. "Meanwhile, you could just be using the same name you use for every woman to get away with not making that mistake."
I laugh with her and then tell her seriously, "I can promise you that you're the only woman I've ever used that nickname for."
It's true. Even when I was lying to myself and pretending that I didn't want to be with her more than I wanted to keep breathing and was in relationships with other women, I still never usedthisnickname. It has only ever been Tiff's.
"Well, I'm glad to hear that. It makes me feel very, very special."
She moves herself up so that she can kiss me and when our mouths meet, I pull her on top of me with my swiftly hardening cock pressing against her stomach between us. I deepen our kiss as I lower my hand to her ass and hold her firmly against me. The ecstasy swirls inthe air around us, and we're both panting for breath when we come up for air.
"Okay, I don't think Ben and Ieverhad this much sex," she says with a laugh.
I'm mildly concerned about that and I don't want to hurt her at all. "Are you okay? Is it too much?"
She grins at me and slides herself onto my cock causing me to groan in satisfaction at once again being sheathed inside her warm, wet pussy.
"I wasn't complaining by any stretch of the imagination." She moves up and down on me and I smile as I grab hold of her hips to fuck her. "I was just stating a fact." She moves faster and her next words come on short, sharp pants for breath. "This. Is. So. Fucking. Good."