Page 27 of Black Lace

"Am I on speaker?"

"Yes," Daisy informs me.

"Hi, Jazz," I say. "You're right." I consider the options and if Tiff wants all of Ben's shit packed up, I'm more than willing to help her do that. "Maybe wait and see how she feels when she gets back to the city. I'll try and talk to her about it to feel her out."

As if I'm not busy enough trying to gauge her emotions on things that are far more pertinent to me, though.

"Yeah, makes sense," Jazz replies. "She sent me a text before, but I couldn't get a read on how she's doing."

I smile as I'm reminded of how much love and support Tiff has. I've always admired the bond the three sisters have after growing up without their mother.

"I think she'll be okay. Well, I hope she will be. I should probably go check on her. I was giving her some space after breakfast," I tell them honestly.

"Thanks, Dec. I'm so glad that she has someone there with her. You were right to take her out of the city. The last thing she needed was to be here listening to Ben talkshit about how what he did was just a silly, little mistake," she scoffs.

Anger flares inside me until I remember that I've been fucking Tiff stupid since yesterday, so I probably can't be too angry at him. It leaves me feeling conflicted with a combination of anger, guilt, and satisfaction warring with one another to be at the forefront of my mind.

"Don't even get me started. Look, I'll keep in touch and let you know when we're coming back to the city."

We end our call and I slip my phone back into my pocket as I walk over to where Tiff is sitting. She's staring out the large glass doors that lead to the beach outside. Her phone is on her lap, probably from the conversation she had with Jazz earlier, and she's frowning again, but looking heartbreakingly beautiful at the same time.

I watch her watching the view and think it's probably a good idea to get out into the fresh air and take a walk to clear our heads and maybe I can find out what she's thinking. I also seem to just end up fucking her if we're alone in a room together, so we probably need a chance to talk somewhere that's far more neutral territory.

I walk up behind her, but she is obviously so lost in her thoughts that she doesn't hear me. I smile at her and then give a small cough to get her attention. She jumps a little then turns to look at me.

"Do you want to go for a walk on the beach with me?"

She nods her head and I follow her outside onto the deck we almost had sex on last night and then down onto the sandy beach. I inhale the salty air and wonder how she will respond when I tell her that I'm in love with her.

I reach out and take her hand in mine, enjoying the simple action as much as I've enjoyed having sex with her, perhaps even more so. This, much like making dinner with her, is what I've wanted from her for years. I might have fantasized about fucking her, but this was what I truly wanted more than anything else.

I steel myself for the conversation we're about to have and finally ask what I want to know the answer to more than anything else. "What does this mean, Tiff?"




We walk slowlyalong the beach, and Dec takes my hand in his. It feels warm and soft, and I feel an ache between my thighs as I think about the sex we’ve had. It occurs to me that I’ve barely thought about Ben, and a part of me feels guilty that Dec has so quickly filled the hole left in my life in less than a day.

I look at Dec as we walk together, and he’s so handsome. His chiseled features look refined in the morning light, and a cool breeze blows across us, bringing with it the sound of waves crashing against the shore.

Dec turns to look at me, and our eyes meet. He leads me over to a low stone wall that separates the beach from the grass behind the McLeans’ house, then turns to face me, still holding my hand.

“What does this mean, Tiff?” he asks, sounding surprisingly unsure of himself.

My heart begins to pound in my chest. I’m not sure how to respond. I know with everything within me that I don’t want to stop screwing him. How is this okay, though? I ended my engagement the same day we first had sex.

I sigh and frown. “I don’t know, Dec. I don’t regret any of what we’ve done, but I also feel guilty as hell because I have no regrets.”

“Is it bad that I’m glad you have no regrets? Because I have none, either.” He gives me a sexy smile.

“Probably,” I laugh. “I mean, I’m meant to be crying over my cheating fiancé, right? Not fucking one of my best friends.”

Dec lifts his hand to my face and slowly brushes my lower lip with his thumb. My heart pounds in my chest, and the desire to have sex with him again hits me with a powerful force.

“I love you, Tiffany Carter.”