I shut my computer down, and we Uber to the nightclub to meet up with our friends.
“Tiffany! Jasmine!” Danielle McLean yells when she sees us entering the VIP area of the club.
She’s cute, and her black hair is chopped off into a pixie cut. Her brother, Declan McLean, looks up at once. He has the same pale skin as Danielle and is well-built, with black hair and bright blue eyes.
Dec gives me a once-over and then smiles. “Hey, Sexy. Come straight from work?”
I walk over to them and give Dec a big hug. He’s one of my best friends, and we’ve all known each other since we went to the same high school as kids.
“Of course she did,” Jasmine laughs. “Do you even know her?”
I hug Danielle before nodding as I wrinkle my nose. “I hate when Jazz is right. Where’s Ben?”
“He’s, um, in the bathroom,” Dec says, looking uncomfortable.
I sigh internally but work hard to keep my face neutral. I love Ben with all my heart, but I hate when he gets high when we’re out partying. I don’t see why alcohol isn’t enough for him. He keeps trying to get me to use drugs, but I have no desire to do them.
“Come on, Sexy, let’s go get drinks. You look likeyou need to unwind.” Dec grabs my hand and drags me toward the bar.
We get drinks for ourselves as well as Danielle and Jasmine. We’re back in the VIP when I see Ben walking toward us. He’s six-foot-three, has short brown hair, and chocolate-brown eyes. He’s wearing jeans and a collared shirt with the sleeves rolled up. He looks sexy as hell, and I smile as soon as I see him.
“Hey, Tiff. How’s my fiancée after her busy work week?” He slides onto the bench I’m sitting on and places his arm around me before pulling me to him for a kiss.
I kiss him back passionately as desire and longing wash over me. It’s been a long day, and I’m suddenly horny as hell.
“Want to find somewhere more private to say hello to me?” Ben whispers in my ear.
Okay… maybe notthathorny.
“Ew. Pass. I love you, Ben, but not enough to have sex in the back of a nightclub,” I laugh.
“Come on, Baby, let’s have some fun,” Ben takes my hand and moves it to his crotch.
A wave of anger hits me, and my jaw tightens. The last thing I need is to be caught fucking in a nightclub. Pictures of something like that would be plastered all over the internet before I even got an orgasm.
I glare at him and hiss quietly, “Just because you’re high doesn’t mean I am.”
Ben raises his hands in a placating gesture. “Sorry, Tiff. I just love you and want you so much. Kiss me again?”
I kiss him, but I’m definitely not horny anymore. When he’s sober, Ben is amazing. It’s part of why I hate him getting high when we’re out at clubs like this. He stops pressuring me for sex, and I relax into his embrace as more of our friends show up.
They all congratulate us, and I smile as I thank them, grateful to have such wonderful friends. Jasmine and I exchange a knowing look when Teddy shows up with Melanie in tow, looking as sour as ever.
“Hey, guys,” Teddy says, with a friendly smile as he slaps Dec on the back, then hugs Jasmine.
Melanie’s jaw is tight, though her face is serene as she clings to her boyfriend.
“It’s good to see you, Mel. I love your nails,” I compliment her.
She holds up her hand, displaying long, coffin-shaped nails painted electric blue with black nail art stars on them.
“Thanks,” she says with a cool smile as she takes a seat next to Teddy.
I’m aware of the eyes on us in the club, but it’s something I’m also used to. We’re not famous, but we’re in the public eye, making people frequently recognize any or all of us when we’re out together. I’m hyper-aware that the things I do reflect on Carter Group, which iswhy I’m disappointed when Ben disappears to take more drugs later in the evening.
I watch him walk away, and Dec puts his arm around my shoulders. “Are you okay, Sexy?”
“Yeah. You know how it is.” I shrug, trying to pretend I’m unbothered.