She should know the truth if she doesn’t already, though. I want her to know that I really was in the wrong with Blake. Even if he did treat me badly, he didn’t deserve the last month of our relationship after I met Tati.
I look away from her and back to the TV screen, unable to face her as I admit, “I should have ended it as soon as I had feelings for someone else, though.”
The words hang in the air around us, the truth of it feeling dangerous. At the same time, it feels like this is something we’ve been heading toward since the day we met. I’m tired of pretending I don’t want her.
I want her.
“Would you kiss me if I asked you to do it?” I ask.
I turn to look at her, curious how she’ll answer, and she says, “You’re drunk, Hayden.”
I shake my head. “I was drunk before the movie started. I’ve had two cups of coffee and the food you ordered for me. I’m not asking this because I’m drunk. I want you when I’m sober, too. Kiss me, Tatiana.”
She moves closer to me on the sofa, and it’s as thrilling as winning my first Grammy. Better, even. I move closer to her as well, then slide one arm around her waist and move my head forward until my lips meet hers.
She wraps her arms around my neck as we kiss, and when she parts her lips, I dart my tongue out to dance with hers. I slide my other hand into her silky hair and rest it behind her head, holding her mouth against mine.
This is better than I imagined, her body is soft and pliant in my arms, and her breasts press against my chest, her nipples hard. It’s the best, most satisfying kiss of my life, and I exult in every moment before her body stiffens.
She wrenches her mouth away from me, pulls herself out of my arms, and moves back on the sofa. “Hayden, we can’t do this.”
I’m even more tired of pretending now that I’ve had a taste of her. She said she wouldn’t lie to me, but it feels like she’s lying to herself.
“Don’t pretend you didn’t enjoy that, Tatiana. I know I did.” I indicate to where my cock is painfully hard in my jeans.
“It doesn’t matter. I’m calling Jesse, and as soon as he gets here, I’m going to bed,” she says.
I grin at her. “Fine. But you know where I am if you feel the urge to join me overnight. My bed is always free for you to use.”
She doesn’t say anything, just walks to the door of the hotel suite where Jesse usually stations himself and pulls out her phone as she does. It’s not long before Jesse appears, and they have a quiet conversation before Tati walks swiftly toward her bedroom.
He comes over to me, his face inscrutable. “Everything okay, Mr. Vega?”
“Yeah. All good. I’m going to go to bed now. I’ll see you in the morning.”
He nods and heads back to the entrance as I make my way to my room. I pull out my phone and see a text from Blake.
We ned to have this talk because I lvoed you andyu were busy droolign over that bitch. I stgil love you.
I cringe as I read the message. He’s obviously drunk tonight, too. I know what’s coming whether I respond or not. In the morning, I’ll have an apology. A message telling me he ‘didn’t mean it’ and how much he loves me and wants me back. I’m done. Tati might not want to want me, but at least she doesn’t fuck with my head the way Blake does. Even if it’s not her that I’m meant to be with, I don’t want anything more to do with Blake Stirling.
I go into his record in my contacts and block his number. I expect to feel guilty or sad, but I don’t feel anything except relief knowing that tomorrow morning I won’t have to read whatever he has to say.
The Fallout
I wakein the morning with a raging headache. There is zero doubt in my mind that I drankwaytoo much last night. I take some headache tablets immediately, then shower, but the steam makes me feel a bit ill, so I cut it short.
I look at my phone, vaguely expecting Blake to have messaged me overnight, but there’s nothing, which is a relief. I get dressed and head into the living room, nodding at Jesse as I pass him.
My head is throbbing, and I sit in the quiet living room of the suite staring out at the city below us. I can see people moving on the street, and I try to piece together what happened last night.
I can remember bits and pieces, but there’s one memory that plays almost non-stop in my brain. Kissing Tati. I can also, unfortunately, remember her reaction afterward. She clearly still wants to pretend, and I’m tired of that.