“This is what you’re wearing onstage?” she asks.
I frown at her, immediately second-guessing my choice of outfit. “I was going to. Why?”
“I don’t know, I just expected something fancier and more ‘rock star.’ Your leather jacket or something.” Tatiana shrugs.
I burst into laughter because there’s no fucking way I’d wear that for a concert. “Yeah, the jacket would last maybe five seconds. Occasionally, Gabriel or Sebastian wear one because they want to look cool, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen them keepit on longer than two songs. It’swaytoo hot. I’m not sure my t-shirt will even make it to the end of the show.”
“I have noticed that you seem to like drumming topless,” Tatiana says.
The casual way she says it and the fact that her cheeks aren’t bright red tells me that she hasn’t thought about the double entendre she just made.
“Have you now?” I ask with a smile at her.
“Let’s go. You don’t want to be late,” Tatiana says in her coolly professional tone as she stands quickly from the sofa and heads to the door of the room.
I can’t help but laugh at her reaction, but I don’t comment on it as I follow her out of the room. Jesse stands from his seat when we leave the room and looks between us before falling into step with me.
Tati leads the way to the room where Heather’s party is being held. It feels like almost every person I know is packed into this one room, making it seem tiny. There are celebrities and other famous people, along with friends and family.
I scan the room and notice that Blake isn’t here as two producers I know approach me to say hello. The next half an hour is a blur as I greet so many people it makes my head spin. The vibe in the room is good, and my excitement for the tour builds the closer we get to the concert starting.
As I’m turning away from a group of people I’ve been talking with, I catch sight of my family, and I grin widely at them. My mom and dad are here with Ness and Alex.
My mom has long brown hair streaked with gray and my skin is the exact same light brown shade as hers. My dad's hair is more gray than brown these days, but we have the same dark brown eyes. My sister looks exactly like me, only prettier. Alex is sticking out like a sore thumb with his blue eyes and blonde hair.
“Mamá, Papá, it’s good to see you.” I hug them each before I turn to my sister and her husband. “Ness, hi! Alex, I’m so glad you could come.”
I throw my arms around my little sister’s neck and hug her tightly before moving on to hug Alex as well, and they both smile back at me.
“He almost didn’t,” Vanessa laughs. “Our babysitter got sick at the last minute, but luckily his mom was able to watch the kids for us.”
“I’m glad. It would’ve sucked for you to miss out,” I tell her because I would’ve hated to miss out on seeing them one last time before I leave for my tour.
Vanessa looks at Tatiana and raises an eyebrow. “Are you going to introduce us? I’m assuming this is the special bodyguard you were telling me about.”
I nod and turn to Tatiana as I realize I should introduce her. “Of course. Guys, this is Tatiana Swanson. Tati, this is my mom, Annette. My dad, Luis. My sister, Vanessa Wheeler, and my brother-in-law, Alex Wheeler.”
“It’s nice to meet you,” Tati says.
I have butterflies in my stomach as I watch her shake their hands. For some reason, it’s nerve-wracking to have Tati meet my family.
“Will you keep my boy safe?” my mom asks her, and I recognize the worried tone in her voice.
Tati nods. “That’s certainly the plan. I’m in this business for a reason, and I’m very good at what I do. I wouldn’t say that you shouldn’t be concerned about Hayden, but I would say that I’m going to do everything in my power to keep him safe.”
“That’s good to hear,” my dad says.
I smile at Tati, pleased that this seems to be going well, and when she smiles back, I look into her eyes for a second before Irealize that I should probably say something or Ness will notice how much I like Tati.
I wrench my gaze from hers and look back at my family as I tell them with a laugh, “Tati’s already done a bunch of things to keep me safe. I literally have three locks on my bedroom door now.”
“I wishwehad three locks on our bedroom door. Maybe we’d get some peace and quiet from the kids,” Vanessa jokes.
“You couldn’t possibly be talking about my niece, the most beautiful girl in the world, could you?”
“She’s a lot less cute at three in the morning,” Ness grumbles, and we all laugh. “Speaking of.” She pulls a piece of paper from the pocket of her dress. “Here’s your picture.”
I open it, and my heart explodes with love for my niece. There’s a terribly drawn picture of a humanoid figure that says ‘I love you, Tío’ above it in Ness’s handwriting.