Page 76 of Hayden's Stalker

“Works for me.” Harrison smiles at me.

I’m distracted during the next song when I see Tati walking around in the Pit. I get off-beat with the drums, and heat rushes to my cheeks.

This is made worse when Seb stops playing, then turns and says, “What the fuck?”

“My bad. Drumstick slipped.”

“Can itnotslip tonight?” He raises an eyebrow at me.

“Funny.” I roll my eyes at him, and he laughs.

We pick up where we left off, and I lose myself in the music again until I get distracted again when I notice Tati talking to one of our roadies. He has an armload of gear that he’s picking up from the floor. As I watch, she hands the guy, who has a shaved head and a blonde goatee, something small.

I focus hard on keeping my time while I watch them have a conversation. She laughs, and even though I can’t hear it over the sound of the music we’re playing, I can hear it in my head as he grins back at her, looking as dazed as I must whenever I talk to her.

I hate the pang of jealousy in my stomach. I have no claim over Tatiana Swanson. As long as she’s completing her task of keeping me safe from my stalker, she can date whoever she wants.

The thought makes me sad, and I force myself to look forward at the empty arena in front of me. I catch sight of Jesse, another reminder of how I’ve screwed so many things up lately.

I struggle to focus for the rest of the soundcheck. My mind wanders with thoughts of Tati, Jesse, and my impending break-up. I know Seb can tell because he keeps shooting me glances whenever I go off-beat, but he doesn’t stop playing again.

As we wrap up the soundcheck, he walks over to my kit. “Bro. What the fuck is up? You can’t play like that tonight.”

“It’s fine. I’m just stressed about everything.”

His brows knit together in concern, and I busy myself putting away my drumsticks. When I stand up, he’s still looking at me. I know I won’t get out of this without more information, and I don’t want to lie to him, so I shrug casually.

“I’m breaking up with Blake tonight. Just waiting for him to get here so that I can tell him.”

“Shit,” Seb breathes out. “Why?”

I give him a chagrined smile. “Don’t pretend you have zero clue why.”

“Because you want to fuck your bodyguard?” He smirks at me, and I roll my eyes.

“Sure. Let’s go with that.”

He laughs but sobers quickly. “Seriously. I’m glad. You deserve better. You also can’t play like that tonight, though.”

“I know. Sorry. I know you struggle the most when I fuck up. I’ll do better.”

“Thanks. I appreciate it.” He glances at his watch. “I’d better go. Mira should be waking from her nap soon.”

I nod and follow him back offstage, suddenly aware of how sweaty and gross I am when I get near Tati.

I can’t help but smile at her, though. “Was it good?”

“Very. You guys are always great,” she nods.

“Okay, I have to go get changed. All of our families and friends are coming for a party for Heather’s birthday before the concert.” I glance at her, then add, “And Blake will be coming, too.”

Her cheeks flush red, and it’s as hot as ever. I can’t really think about how sexy she is, though, because my stomach is full of butterflies as I think about what I have to do. The sooner I can get this task over with, the sooner I can start moving on. A surprising wave of sadness hits me, but I know I’m doing the right thing.

When we reach my changing room, Jesse takes a seat outside, and Tati follows me into the room. She does another sweep of the room, and being alone in a confined space with her immediately makes me aware of her presence.

“All clear,” she tells me once she’s walked over to the side of the room.

“I’m going to shower,” I inform her and make my way to the bathroom. I stop in the doorway and turn to grin at her. “I’d offer for you to join me, but I won’t do that until I’m single.”