“I could tell. Will you be okay?” she asks in a calming voice.
“I will. Thanks for checking on me.”
Her musical laugh rings out. “It’s basically my job.”
“Of course it is.” I can’t help but laugh as well.
My eyes have adjusted to the light, and in the darkness, I can make out her creamy skin in a short nightgown.
“I’ll see you in the morning. Just call me if you need me.”
I’m fighting against the arousal that the sight of her has brought me, and I work hard to keep my voice normal when I reply, “Will do.”
“I’ll need you to lock the door, so you’re not stuck in there in case of an emergency,” she tells me.
I’m grateful I’ve started wearing sweatpants to bed, but my cock is still semi-hard as I walk over to her. Luckily, she closes the door and doesn’t see.
I click the locks shut, and her voice is muffled through the door as she says, “Night, Hayden.”
“Night, Tati.”
I lie in bed for a long time, unable to fall asleep, but resist the urge to masturbate while thinking about her. She’s sexy as hell, but I know I shouldn’t do it. Between that and the nightmare I had, it’s hours before I finally get back to sleep.
I’m exhausted by the morning, and my mind is a jumbled mess. My attraction to Tati and realizing how badly Blake treats me are at the forefront of my mind, even before my stress and anxiety over my stalker.
After breakfast, Tati calls Jesse, and I’m on edge as I listen to her side of their conversation.
“Hey, Jesse. I was just calling to say that Hayden and I are all good without you today. I’ll just be taking him to an appointment this afternoon, so you can have one final day to yourself before the tour starts.” Tati’s quiet for a few seconds then smiles. “Awesome. See you then.”
She hangs up, and my guilt at the way I fucked up and totally forgot he existed gnaws at my stomach. “So he’s not coming over today?”
“No. He said he’ll come over tomorrow morning after breakfast.”
A huge wave of relief washes over me that I won’t have to face him and own up to my mistake for one more day. It feels like a stay of execution, though, because I know it won’t last forever.
I smile at her. “Do you want to drive my car again when we go see Brendan, in that case?”
“Would I ever turn down a chance to drive Rainbow Dash?” she asks with a grin.
So fucking embarrassing.
“I didn’t think you would,” I tell her and look down at my watch while my cheeks burn. “We have two hours before we need to leave. Want to come to the library?”
“Sure. Whatever you want to do,” she says.
My cock jerks becauseshe’swhat I want to do, but I don’t say that. Instead, I lead her to the library and settle into my chair by the window while she sits in her chair nearby. I’m struck by how much I enjoy spending this time in the library with her and how much I’ll miss it once the tour starts tomorrow.
I never expected to bringanyoneinto this room, let alone someone I wouldwantin here. I’m distracted by my thoughts for a while before I manage to really start reading, and I jump when the alarm on my phone goes off to tell me that it’s time for us to leave for my therapy appointment.
“I suppose that’s our cue?” Tati asks as she puts a bookmark in her book and sets it aside.
“It is. We can read some more later.” I smile at her.
“That would be nice. I’m really getting into Bond’s adventures,” she laughs.
“I’m glad to hear it.”