“No, you didn’t. Fuck. There’s not even room for that sofa to pull out into a bed, even if itisa pullout sofa.”
This is awful. I’ve fucked upsofucking badly. Now I might not get to have my awesome bus, and if I do, then I’ve screwed Jesse over completely.
“I’m sorry. I was just trying to make sure you were comfortable.” I frown at her and chew my bottom lip, hating that I’ve fucked everything up with her yet again.
Tati sighs. “I appreciate that. I just wish you’d told me what you were planning to do. We could’ve made it work.”
“Does this mean we can’t use this tour bus?”
If I have to give up my awesome bath for this, I will. I’ll have earned that loss because of what I did.
Tati shakes her head, though. “No, we have to use this bus. I don’t even need to ask anyone to know there’s no way they’d have another one more appropriately fitted out in time. We’ll just have to make it work.”
My guilt at this mistake, and the reason it happened, is immense. I can’t believe I completely forgot Jesse’s existence throughout my excitement at planning this room for Tati. He’s been with me almost every day for two years, and I managed to fuck up like this.
“I am the biggest asshole,” I sigh.
“No, you’re not. You’re just too nice for your own good. It was nice of you to think of me like that,” she tells me as she walks toward me.
“That’s not why I’m an asshole, Tatiana,” I frown at her because she hasn’t put this together yet.
“Why are you an asshole?”
I turn away from her and begin walking down the steps because I can’t look at her as I admit, “I was so busy thinking of you that Jesse didn’t even cross my mind.”
The Therapy Session
Pain rushesthrough me as I hit the side of the car when Jesse swerves to avoid the car coming into our lane.
“Sorry, Mr. Vega,” Jesse grinds out as he hits the gas, and the car shoots forward. “They’re trying to hit us.”
The car chasing us comes at us from my side, and I look into it. The driver’s wearing a mask with a white ghost face, and they cackle as they look at me.
“You’re all mine, Hayden Vega!”
I shudder at the eerie words. They continue the chase as adrenaline courses through my veins, and I’m certain I’m going to die. I’ll never see my friends, my family, or Tatiana again.
“We’re going to crash,” I call out as Jesse swerves again, and we almost hit the rock face next to us.
“Not if I can help it,” he tells me.
I want to be reassured because I know he’s skilled, but I’m too scared, and I’m sure I’m going to die.
The other car moves around us again, and as Jesse swerves a final time, they come at us harder, and the front corner of their car hits just behind my seat.
I gasp at the impact, and Jesse yells loudly, “No!”
I’m thrown sideways as we hit the rock face. The other car slows down, and, once again, I manage to see the ghost face mask before they speed away.
I jolt awake with a scream that echoes around the room and sweat pouring off me as my heart races in my chest.
There’s a knock on my door as I lie in the dark, trying to catch my breath. “Hayden? Are you okay?”
Tati has the door open before I even get a chance to respond, and her body is a dark silhouette in the doorway as I reply.
“Yeah, I’m fine. I just had a nightmare.