Page 46 of Hayden's Stalker

Blake shrugs his shoulders, but he gives me a meaningful look. I hate this reminder that I do seem to be consistently taking her side over his in things. My loyalty should always be with him, I suppose. She’s my employee, though, and I think heforgets that as much as I do. It’s hard with him always seeing her as a threat to our relationship.

“Well, I’d rather not provide a hostile working environment for Tatiana if I can help it. I’d also like it if my boyfriend would assist me with that,” I point out.

“Whatever you say”—Blake presses the button for the elevator—“but I still think you care too much about what she thinks. You haven’t been out ever since she made a scene at Club Delirium.”

I glare at him because Tatiana’s explanation for that night made sense, and this isn’t the first time Blake’s brought it up since then. I tried telling him her explanation, but he keeps insisting that she could’ve just not gotten involved.

“Tatiana didn’t make a scene, Blake. Yeah, I haven’t been out since then, but it’s not Tatiana’s fault. It just made me realize how exposed I was. I just want to remain safe while this whole stalker situation is being dealt with.”

The elevator pings, and the doors slide open. Blake kisses me quickly, then gets in.

He presses the button to hold the doors open and says sternly, “You can’t hide with her forever, Hayden. I don’t think that becoming a hermit is a healthy way to deal with having a stalker.”

He gives a casual shrug before letting go of the button, and the doors finally close. I stare at the elevator in front of me, his words echoing in my mind. I know I can’t hide away with Tati forever, but I wish I could. The tour is looming on the horizon, and for the first time ever, the thought of starting a tour isn’t one of pure excitement for me.

When I turn to look at Tati, she sighs. “I hate to agree with Blake, but he’s actually right. As much as I prefer you being here for your safety, your mental health is also of concern. It couldtake months or years for them to find your stalker. You can’t hide away forever until that happens.”

“I’m not doing that,” I protest.

“Aren’t you?” Tatiana raises an eyebrow at me.

I look into her beautiful blue eyes, remembering that I don’t want there to be any lies between us, so I admit, “Okay, maybe I am. I’m scared. I have nightmares about the crash sometimes. I just keep thinking about how much worse it could’ve been.”

“Do you need to see someone to talk about it?”

The thought of having to talk to someone because I’m not coping brings heat rushing to my cheeks. I’m fine with the idea of therapy for other people, but having been brought up being told it’s bullshit, it feels like a failure to need it myself, even though I’d never judge any of my friends who have needed it.

“Maybe,” I say quietly.

“It’s nothing to be ashamed of, Hayden. You certainly wouldn’t be my first client who needed therapy sessions to help cope with their situation. This is a highly stressful situation.”

I can’t help but laugh as I say, “I wouldn’t even be the first of my friends who needed therapy, now that I think about it.”

“Exactly,” she says, and it’s nice to have her support.

My friends have all used the same therapist, so maybe he’ll be willing to see me. He’s been really good with them, and I know Harrison got in with him at the last minute a couple of times.

“I know a therapist who can give me sessions while I’m on tour, too. I’ll contact him in the morning,” I promise. I want to get away from everything, so I suggest, “In the meantime, want to go to the library?”

She gives me her brilliant smile. “Sure, sounds like fun.”

I let us into the room and immediately feel at peace when we’re inside. After that first day, I invited her in the next time I was reading and offered for her to read any of my books sheliked. I was curious which she would choose, and she’s reading through my James Bond books, which amuses me.

She’s currently readingCasino Royale, and I even ordered a second La-Z-Boy chair for her to use in here. Sometimes it’s odd when I’m reading and she moves or makes a sound, but I’m getting used to having someone else in here with me.

I look at her for a second, her hair braided around her head as usual, as she picks up the book and starts to read. I’ve taken to reading more romances in here lately, and I’m currently reading one about a firefighter in Alaska that I’m really enjoying.

“See, I would’ve much preferred to read an entire series of books about Vesper.”

I look up when Tati speaks, and she closes the book, then sets it on her lap. She was nearing the end, so I assume she’s finished it, and I grin at her.

“Not happy with the ending?”

“Killing yourself over a man like Bond? Make her the main character and follow her story. Hell, even her career up to that point.”

“He was her one true love, though. She couldn’t risk betraying him,” I point out.

Tati gestures over to the bookshelf with the Bond series in it. “I’m led to believe that Bond has a whole string of ‘one true loves’ to carry on with.”