If you want to break up with me, just tell me now. You can fuck her all you want then.
I sigh and reply to his message.
I don’t want to break up with you. I see your point about the fight, but she was still just doing her job, so saying stuff about her ‘having a stick up her ass’ isn’t okay.
Butterflies tumble around in my stomach as I hit send. I stare at the screen, nervous for him to respond. The message shows as having been read, and I cringe as the three dots come up to show he’s typing.
You’re getting all worked up and overly sensitive because I made a joke about her having a stick up her ass? See? You’re super defensive of her. I know you want to fuck her. What am I supposed to do when I can’t trust my boyfriend?
I feel sick as I hit the button to call him. Partially because I know this conversation is going to be shit and partially because I know he’s not entirely in the wrong here.
He doesn’t say anything when the call connects, so I start the conversation. “Hey.”
“Hi.” His response when he answers is short and clipped, making me flinch.
“Of course, you can trust me. I would never cheat on you, Blake.”
“Yeah, right. Even with her walking around acting like she owns you?”
I frown and sigh. “She’s doing her job. That’s all.”
“Her job is to wear tiny dresses to show off her tits for you at nightclubs, is it?” His voice drips sarcasm.
“She was just trying to blend in. She’s meant to look like a friend of mine.” Heat rushes to my cheeks as I remember the discussion about us making out.
“Well, isn’t that convenient? So she has to go all out to make herself as hot as possible just to ‘fit in’ and then very conveniently also needs to sit right next to you at all times. Is that what you’re saying?”
When he says it like that, it sounds much worse than it is, and I cringe.
“Come on. You know it’s not like that. She’s just—”
“Doing her job. So I’ve heard.”
There’s an awkward silence, and I don’t know what to say.
“Maybe we should break up if you’re going to be like this,” Blake says into the silence.
My heart feels bruised at the suggestion. “Is that what you want?”
“Hayden.” He sighs. “Of course, that’s not what I fucking want. I love you.”
It’s comforting to hear him say it because sometimes it doesn’t feel like he does.
“I just felt like you put her first last night. I also feel like your friends are always rude to me. The shit that fucking Sebastian said was annoying, and you didn’t even bother to stand up for me.” He sighs again. “But youdidstand up forherwhen I messaged you ajokeabout her having a stick up her ass. Can you see how you hurt me last night?”
Regret floods through me because he’s right, and he doesn’t even know that I masturbated while thinking about her before I went to bed.
“I’m sorry, Blake. I really am. I love you. How can I make this up to you?”
“It’s okay. I forgive you, Hayden, because I love you.” I smile at his words. “I guess you could make it up to me by coming to my place tonight.”
“I think I can manage that. You do know that Tati will have to come, yeah?” I hate even mentioning her to him.
He snorts. “She can if she must. I guess she can stay near the door like your other bodyguard does.” His voice gets softer and sexier as he says, “I’m going to do exactly as I promised last night and worship your cock the second you’re in my bed.”
“Mmm,” I groan. “I can’t wait. I’ll see you then.”
“See you then, sexy. Love you.”