Page 38 of Hayden's Stalker

Thank fuck.

I feel like a terrible person because I was flirting with Tatiana, and that’s not okay. I do my best to ignore her as I talk to my friends. When I first feel the urge to use the bathroom, I ignore it because I have no idea how that will go. Eventually, I have no choice because my body tells me I can’t put it off any longer.

I turn to Tatiana and cringe as I smile at her. “I need to go to the bathroom.”

Tatiana shrugs her shoulders. “Okay, let’s go.”

She stands and signals to Jesse for him to come with us before she leads the way to the bathroom. When we get there, Jesse comes in with me and checks the room before I relieve myself at the urinal.

When I leave the bathroom to join Tatiana in the hallway, I ask out of curiosity, “What would you have done if Jesse wasn’t here?”

“Gone in with you.”

“You’d go into the men’s room with me?” I gasp.

Tatiana laughs and moves aside in the corridor so someone can get past us to the bathroom. “Uh, yeah. I can’t count the number of men’s rooms I’ve been in during my time in personal security.”

“But it’s themen’sroom,” I point out, taken aback by the thought of this woman watching me do my business.

“And I’m frequently protecting men. I have to say, you’d be surprised how often the men’s room is cleaner than the ladies’ room.”

I want to repeat again that it’s the men’s room, but that’s dumb, so I ask a question instead.

“Don’t people have a problem with that?” I raise an eyebrow at her.

“Occasionally. I give precisely zero fucks about people’s problems and all the fucks about my client’s safety, though.” She shrugs her shoulders.

“I’m not sure I could go with you watching,” I laugh.

Just the thought of her being the one in the bathroom with me instead of Jesse is uncomfortable. I think a part of me wants her to be attracted to me, and pissing in a urinal is hardly attractive.

“You just went in front of Jesse,” she points out.

“That’s different.” I shrug my shoulders, and Tatiana looks at Jesse, who has a grin on his face.

“How?” she presses as she raises an eyebrow at me, and heat rushes to my cheeks.

I don’t want to tell her that I don’t give a fuck if Jesse thinks I’m hot or not. He’s good-looking, but I’ve never imagined bending him over and fucking him like I’ve been doing with Tatiana quite frequently.

On cue, my brain helpfully supplies an image of me pushing her against the wall as I pull her panties down and stuff my cock into her.

All while she stares at me in reality and waits for me to respond.

I force my thoughts to come to order and tell her, “I don’t know. I guess I’m just used to going in front of other men. It would be strange to have a woman in the room watching me do my business.”

Tatiana laughs, “It’s almost certainly going to happen at some point, so you’ll have to get used to it. You can use the stall if you need to, though.”

I’m relieved she’s given me this option because it’s the obvious solution. She’ll still be able to hear me, though, so I might just hold it if Jesse isn’t around.

Jesse is laughing behind me as we leave the corridor to the bathrooms. We haven’t gone far into the club when we run into my friend, April Conway, with a group of her friends.

She’s got blonde hair and blue eyes, and she’s smiling brightly at me. April was signed to the same label around the same time as us. Over the last few years, she’s become the biggest solo act in the business and is pretty awesome.

“Hey, April,” I grin at her before I give her a hug.

“Hayden, hi!” she exclaims. Her eyes widen, and she stares at Tatiana for a few seconds. “Oh my god, you finally broke up with Blake?”

I glance at Tatiana and cringe. Apparently, even to April, she looks like my girlfriend. This is exactly the sort of thing I was worried would happen if she’s around me all the time.