I hug Ariana and kiss her cheek before we both burst into laughter with Heather.
“Assholes,” Sebastian grumbles.
“He says that like he wouldn’t take the piss out of any one of us in a heartbeat, given the chance,” Heather smirks at him, using the phrase that Kip Soundly taught us years ago when we were in Australia at their version of the Grammys.
Lita laughs, “Yes, Sebastian can dish it out, but he can’t take it.”
“They were making fun of you, too, you know,” Sebastian says.
“Yes. But I, unlike you, can take a joke. Now, are you going to leave for the club sometime before midnight? Because if Mirabella wakes up and you’re still here, she’s all yours,” Lita warns him.
“And if she wants a feed?” He raises an eyebrow at her.
“She’s still all yours. You’d better start lactating quickly,” Lita teases him.
Sebastian laughs and hugs Lita. “Okay, we’ll go. Call me if you need me, and I’ll come home immediately.”
“Just go already. We want to talk about you,” Heather tells him in an exasperated tone.
“Aboutme?” Sebastian asks with a grin, but his eyes dart between Tatiana and me, so I have no doubt that he doesn’t think he’ll be the source of gossip.
“Maybe. You could be a hot topic of conversation at girls’ night, but you’ll never know because you’re going to leave now.” She smirks at him.
Sebastian stands up and turns to look at her before he warns, “Okay, I get the hint. We’re leaving. But you want to be nice to me, Heather Fletcher, or I won’t text you.”
“Oh please, you’ll be dying to text me, and I might just leave you on read to spite you,” she teases him.
“The ultimate threat,” Ariana laughs.
We exchange a final round of goodbyes before getting into the elevator, along with Jesse and Daryl Kelly, Sebastian’s bodyguard.
As the elevator makes its way down to the parking garage, I can’t resist asking, “Just what are you going to be texting Heather?”
“I’m going to text her about how your insanely jealous boyfriend reacts to your hot bodyguard situation.”
My stomach sinks as I realize that Blake is going to hate Tatiana. Even worse, I know that he should because I can’t stopmyself from looking at her. Once again, her face has gone bright pink, and she looks sexy as fuck.
Despite her blush, she meets Sebastian’s gaze and gives him a polite smile before asking, “Do you think Blake might have a problem with Jesse?”
I burst into laughter at her guileless question and wink at Jesse. “Looking good, Jesse.”
“Thanks, Mr. Vega,” Jesse chuckles.
Sebastian isn’t cowed by this, though, and he gives her a level stare as he says, “No, I don’t think Blake will have a problem with Jesse, but I do think that any mention of you making out with him will make for averyinteresting night.”
“Sebastian.” I glare at him.
He fucking knows that this will cause shit with Blake. God knows it’ll be bad enough if I can’t stop drooling all over my bodyguard. The last thing I need is for Sebastian to stir shit with my boyfriend by pointing anything out. I need to just focus on being a good boyfriend, and I need to stop thinking about Tatiana inappropriately, too.
I’m not a cheater.
The elevator dings and the doors slide open.
“I didn’t say I was going tosayanything like that, jesus.” Sebastian exits the elevator and calls, “Let’s hope for a boring night, I guess!”