Tati sighs and says, “Probably not anytime soon. You’re going to see Brendan tomorrow, and hopefully he’ll be able to help.”
I clear my throat and nod. I’m glad that I’ll be seeing him because Heather’s comment about needing lots of therapy is probably true.
“Of course,” I say, my throat scratchy and my eyes hurting from crying.
“It’s been a long day. How about we go to bed?” Tati asks.
I can’t help but grin at her, amused by the question despite the way I feel right now. “Do you know how many times I imagined you in my bed when we were here? Today it finally comes true.”
She kisses me softly and links her hand with mine as I stand from my armchair, and we leave the library. We walk to the bedroom together and get ready for bed. I move around my room, mechanically doing the things I need to do before I slide into bed.
Tati gets into bed with me, and I pull her into my embrace. She’s as comforting as ever, and my body relaxes when I have her in my arms. I love her so much, and having her here in my bed is literally a dream come true.
I move closer to press my lips against hers. She kisses me back, and I stroke her back with my hand as my cock stiffens. The room is loud with our heavy breathing as Tati reaches between us and places her hand on my erection.
I’m immediately taken back to the bed with Sarah. Her high-pitched laugh rings in my head as she tells me I’m hard. I’m filled with the fear that she’ll rape me, and my entire body tenses as my blood runs cold.
Tati’s hand disappears off my cock at once, and she whispers, “Hayden, are you okay?”
I swallow heavily and admit, “I’m not sure.”
Tati presses her lips against mine and kisses me softly. “It’s okay. We don’t need to do anything. I will just be here with you, loving you always.”
I pull her into a hug, but I feel utterly broken. I love Tati, and I know that I’m safe here with her. She’s not Sarah. Sarah’s dead. Even though I know all of that, I still can’t manage to fuck my fiancée.
It’s a long time after Tati’s breathing slows down and evens out before I manage to fall asleep, holding her tight in my arms.
I wakein the morning with Tati in my arms, and she’s so beautiful. When she wakes up and looks at me, the expression on her face takes my breath away. It’s full of love and concern. After what happened last night, I was worried she might be angry at me for not being able to sleep with her.
“How are you feeling this morning?” she asks.
“Pretty shit,” I tell her honestly with a sigh, then I smile as I lift up her left hand where it’s sitting on my chest. “You’re the one bright spark in my life right now, preciosa.”
She kisses me deeply and then says, “I love you so much. We’ll take everything one day at a time, okay?”
I nod, and we lie together in silence for a few more minutes before Tati rolls over and grabs her phone from the side table. She settles herself back on me as I reach over to pick up mine. I have a text from Harrison, and I open it.
I hope you’re feeling better today. Word’s out that we fired Cooper. There are already management offers coming in.
I click the link he’s sent through with his message, and it’s an article theorizing that Cooper’s parted ways with the band. Myheart races as I skim over the section that recaps my kidnapping before I get to the part about Cooper.
There are pictures of him looking sullen at San Antonio airport and a quote from him all but saying that we’re not working together anymore. The rest of the article is filled with ‘signs’ there’s been tension between us and more quotes from supposed insiders confirming the news.
I’m getting there, I guess. He might as well have just told them we fired him.
I hit send on the message and open my emails. Harrison’s right. There are offers of management from at least four different companies, and my eyes widen when I see the name Isaac Meade in the list.
Hi, gentlemen.
I’ve heard that Cruise Control might be looking for new management, and I wanted to throw my hat into the ring. I think your band is amazing, and you’re all very talented.
I’m not going to beat around the bush. I’m one of the top managers in the business, and the reason for that is because I work hard for all my clients to ensure that their best interests are looked after. If you’re happy, then I’m happy.
I’d like to invite you to come out to LA and have lunch with me so I can tell you more about what Meade Management has to offer. Let me know.
Isaac Meade
I shake my head as I read it. When I said we wouldn’t have to take the first offer that came in, I was definitely correct. Meade Management is known for being one of the best management companies to have working for you, and I can’t believe Isaac reached out to us personally. I flick back to my messages with Harrison and see one back from him.