“Indeed they are,” she tells him.
This. This is the one shining star in a world full of darkness for me right now.
“I don’t think I’ve ever been happier,” I say as I move to stand next to Tatiana and put my arm around her shoulders.
It’s nowhere near true, and a stab of longing hits me for a world where I got to have this conversation without having been kidnapped by Sarah and Daniel. It hurts to think about a scenario where I got to be truly happy.
Jesse nods at me. “Well, I’m happy for you guys. In the meantime, the media is going bananas about your return, Mr. Vega, so we can expect some drama at the airport.”
“At least the band is going together, so there will be plenty of assistance,” she points out.
“Oh, shit”—Jesse’s eyes widen, and he gapes at Tatiana—“are you even on bodyguard duty, anymore?”
“Well, technically, probably not.” She looks up at me and laughs. “Actually, since Sierra cut me off while you were gone, I should be insisting that you pay me the money you owe me before I head off on my merry way.”
It’s strange to actually find something funny, but I laugh and raise an eyebrow as I tease her, “Maybe we could come to some sort of arrangement?”
“I think we’ll be able to figure something out.”
She smiles at me, and my cock jerks as I think about the idea of role-playing this scenario with her. I look forward to getting her into my bed back in Chicago, something I fantasized about so many times before the tour started. Now it’s going to become a reality.
We collect our belongings and head downstairs, where we meet up with the guys to travel to the airport.
“Oh my god!” Heather gasps the second Tatiana steps out of the elevator with me. “You got engaged?”
I’m thoroughly amused because, of course, Heather would notice Tati’s engagement ring in less than a millisecond.
I laugh and joke, “Yeah, Tati and Jesse really hit it off while they were working together.”
“Shut up, and congratulations,” Heather says with a massive smile at me as she throws her arms around me.
We’re congratulated by everyone else, and when Ariana hugs Tati, she says, “I’m so happy for you guys. It’s good to see Hayden with someone who deserves him.”
She smiles at Ariana and nods. “Thanks, although Blake did set the bar pretty low.”
The two women laugh together as we’re notified that the vans are ready to take us to the airport. As we head toward the back entrance of the hotel, I’m struck by how much my life has changed since I met Tati.
Ariana’s comment about Blake reminds me of just how miserable I was in my relationship with him. I have no idea how long it might have taken for me to break free from that if I hadn’t met her. As much as I wish I had never been kidnapped, I know that without Sarah and Daniel, I wouldn’t have met her. It leaves me feeling strange as we climb into a with Gabriel and Ariana to drive to the airport. I don’t want to be grateful to Sarah for anything, but she’s the reason I found the woman I love, which I hate.
Tati settles herself against me, and the pain in my torso doubles my conflicted feelings. I put my arm around her and hold her tight as we travel to the airport. I do my best to keep myself grounded here in this moment, even though my brain wants to keep taking me back to the cabin.
It becomes harder when we arrive at the airport because we’re immediately surrounded by paparazzi as soon as we exit the vans.
I don’t have the comfort of holding Tati as she joins the other bodyguards who surround us to clear a path into the building ahead.
“Hayden! What happened when you were kidnapped?”
My heart pounds faster, and I have to focus on taking slow breaths. Even walking seems difficult. I want to freeze where I am as I’m bombarded with memories.
“No comment,” Sebastian says.
“Special Agent McGuire said you were held hostage for two days. Is that true?” another reporter yells out.
The person who asked the question moves forward to shove a microphone toward me, and Tatiana pushes them back as I rub my wrist to remind myself that there are no ropes around them.
“Step away, sir.” She glares at him, and the guy looks sullen but moves out of the way.
As we make our way to check-in, the reporters call out more questions, and by the time we get away from them, I’m struggling to keep myself together. I’m very aware that the pictures they take will be shown to the entire world, but no amount of media training could ever have prepared me to face the paparazzi when I’m feeling like this.