“Here I am, offering myself to you. You’re my everything. You’re my love. My moon and my stars. You shine brighter thanthe sun, and your force pulls me to you, yet you keep resisting me. We’re going to be amazing together, and the sooner you realize that, the better.”
Whenever I think I’ve felt as awful as I can in this situation, it somehow gets worse. I feel completely helpless, and my only hope is that Tati is on her way to find me. All I can do, for now, is allow Sarah some hope.
“All I need is time, Sarah. Once I get to know you, I’ll feel differently about you, I’m sure. But I’ve been pulled from the tour and thrust into this new life with you without any warning, and it’s taking me time to adjust.” I force a smile at her that I hope seems genuine.
Her face softens, and she nods before she turns the light off and climbs into the bed with me. I’m acutely aware that she’s practically naked, and I wish I was back with my head over the toilet bowl again.
I force my body to relax, and I wonder just how much I’m going to have to endure from her tonight. Hopefully, she’s tired and goes to sleep quickly.
She turns her face up to mine and says, “I love you, you know.”
Before I can say anything, she kisses me, but not the way she’s done all day in front of Daniel. She thrusts her disgusting tongue into my mouth, and I want to bite it off because it’s so fucking foul. I don’t. I lie there and accept her kiss, too scared to even wrench my head away from hers for some relief.
When she ends her kiss, she’s panting heavily as she stares up at me, looking awestruck, and I’m just glad it’s over.
“You’re such a good kisser,” she purrs. “I’m the luckiest woman in the world.”
I want to die.
I’ve promised myself that I won’t do it and that I’ll fight to get back to the people I love, but it doesn’t mean that I don’t wantit right now. My skin crawls from her touching me, and feeling like I’ll never be clean again because of it. She strokes my bare chest, and the path burns painfully. It feels more like someone dragging a cheese grater across my skin than someone’s hand.
I can’t manage to withstand it for long before I ask in as calm a voice as I can, “Can you please stop that? I’m ticklish.”
Her sickening laugh rings out around the room and brings my nausea to the forefront, but she does stop stroking my chest, at least.
“I’m so sorry, Hayden. See? We’re learning things about each other already. I’m ticklish behind my knees, just so you know.”
She laughs again, and I hate that I know this about her. I don’t want any connection with her. I don’t want to know intimate details about her. I struggle not to cry because I know that even if I get out of here, I will know this fact about her, and it makes me sick.
She sighs and kisses my chest. “God, you’re so amazing and you’re actually here.”
I can’t stand her touch, and I lie stiffly beneath her as she presses her body against mine. Her breathing rate gets faster and she lifts one leg over my legs. The weight of it feels wrong and I want to shuck it off me, but I’m powerless to do anything since my legs are tied to the bed.
We lie in silence, and I’m tired after the long day, so I fall into the sweet relief of a dream about Tati. In my dream, she’s sitting with her legs spread wide on my bed in the tour bus. Her wet pussy is on display for me, and she pants for breath as she rubs her clit while looking into my eyes.
“Hayden,” she moans softly, but my eyes snap open in the dark because the voice in my dream is Sarah’s.
I lie frozen, unsure how long I slept for, but Sarah is in the same position she was in when I fell asleep. Her leg is over mine, but her hand is between her legs. The back of her arm movesagainst my outer thigh as she strokes herself. Her pants for breath are loud, and a chill runs through my body as the obvious sound of her masturbating fills the dark room.
I’m glad I can’t see anything but her shadow in the darkness. I can still feel her movements, though, and I wish there was a way to turn off my hearing so that I wouldn’t have to listen to what she’s doing.
“Mmm, baby, yeah,” she moans again.
I don’t dare move, or even breathe too loud, for fear that she’ll realize I’m awake. He moans get louder and her pants for breath come quicker as she continues. I screw my eyes shut tight, wanting to be anywhere in the world other than here. I can’t handle the feeling of her arm moving and knowing that it’s moving because she’s getting herself off while thinking about me.
I don’t want to hear her orgasm. I don’t want to have that sound in my head and know what it’s like when this woman comes. I clench my teeth and focus on my breathing as her body begins to shake.
“Oh, god. Oh, god. Oh, god.Hayden.”
A tear rolls down my cheek, but I remain frozen where I am. The thought of her knowing that I’m awake and listening is terrifying. I can’t stand the thought of giving her that satisfaction because I know she would use that knowledge to get herself off in the future.
She moves her position slightly when her body has stopped shaking. Her leg moves off mine and she places her arm over my chest as she cuddles into me. Her fingers are warm, sticky, and wet when she does. Waves and waves of nausea crash over me, and I struggle to fight against them. The knowledge that her pussy juice is on me makes me feel dirty. I want her off me.Now.
I manage to hold it together while I wait for her to fall asleep. Once her breathing has evened out, I carefully test the ropes, butshe’s tied them well, and there’s no chance to loosen them. Even if I managed it, she could wake up and get the gun before I’d have a chance to.
It’s been less than two days since I was kidnapped, but it feels like a lifetime has passed. I don’t know how much more of this I can take. What Sarah just did terrifies me because I have no idea how long it’ll be before she decides she’s given me enough time. My only source of comfort remains the hope that Tati will come and find me.