Page 16 of Hayden's Stalker

I drop my phone and lie panting for breath for a few minutes before I get up and make my way to the bathroom to clean up. As I wipe away the cum, I’m forcibly reminded that there is only asingle wall between me and the place where Tatiana is currently lying in her bed.

Heat floods through me, and my sensitive cock jerks. I’m horrified that even though I just had phone sex with my boyfriend, she still has this effect on me. I clean my teeth quickly and head back to bed.

As I lie in the dark, I wallow in the guilt of my attraction to her. I can’t do anything about it. She’s not someone I can date. I’m far better off focusing on the relationship Idohave than the one I can’t have.

I love with Blake Stirling, and Ireallyneed to stop forgetting that fact.


The Library

I wake earlythe next morning, my cock stiff in my sweatpants from a dream where I was fucking Tatiana.

Nothing like a healthy dose of guilt in the morning.

I shower and get dressed while I wait for Tatiana to let me out of my room. There’s no sign of her after half an hour, and I know she’s probably jet-lagged, so I read my book for a while.

After another half hour passes, my stomach is rumbling. I figure it can’t hurt to just make myself some toast, so I head to the kitchen. After I’ve finished eating, there’s still nothing from Tatiana.

I make my way to her room and almost knock on the door, but I think she might still be sleeping, so I decide not to. I feel guilty as hell as I quietly twist the handle and push the door open. The room is semi-dark, with some light coming in through the blackout curtains that aren’t fully closed.

Tatiana lies in the bed, her long blonde hair a halo against the navy blue pillowcase. I look at her for a few seconds more before I realize that I’m watching her sleep, and that iscreepy as shit. I quietly close the door again because I figure she probably needs the sleep, so I head to my library instead of waking her.

I smile as I walk to the shelf in my living room that will open the door. Going into the library is the highlight of any day for me. I slide a small bowl across slightly, tip the vase onto its side, and twist a second bowl before placing my thumb on the scanner these triggers expose.

The door swings open, and when I shut it behind me, I hear the usual sound of everything slotting back into their positions on the shelf. A sense of peace comes over me as I enter my sacred space. One side of the room has the same floor-to-ceiling windows as the rest of the apartment, but the rest of the room is filled with books.

I’ve been collecting for years, and some of these books are truly rare. Others are mass-market paperbacks. All of them fill me with joy. I settle myself in my La-Z-Boy chair by the window and grab the romantic suspense novel I started reading in here two days ago.

I don’t know how long I’ve been reading when my phone starts buzzing on the table next to me, and Tati’s name is displayed on the screen.

I cringe as I quickly answer it, knowing already that she’s going to bepissedthat I left my room. “Tatiana?

“Hayden, thank god. Where are you, and why aren’t you in your room?” she demands.

“Hang on. I’ll see you in a second,” I tell her and hang up since we might as well have this conversation in person.

A part of me wants to stay hidden in here and not face her wrath, but I figure that would only make her angrier. So I press my thumb to the interior thumbpad, and the door opens silently.

Tatiana is standing over by the window with her phone in her hand. I’m disappointed that her hair is braided around her head again and realize that I much prefer it the way it was the first time I saw her in Cooper’s office and when she was sleeping earlier.

I ignore the fact that I shouldn’t have a preference on her hairstyle at all and say, “Sorry, you looked really tired and like you could do with the sleep-in, so I didn’t wake you.”

Tatiana jumps about a foot, and I cringe as I realize I inadvertently just told her that I watched her sleeping, but she doesn’t seem to care.

Her beautiful face is thunderous as she demands, “Where the hell were you?”

“In my library,” I tell her, as guilt floods through me over my choice not to show it to her yesterday.

“In your li—you don’t have a library. There was no library yesterday. Is it on another floor?” Tatiana narrows her eyes at me.

I cringe and admit, “I didn’t show it to you.”

She continues to glare at me, clearly furious, before taking some very deep, very obvious breaths before she snarls, “Show me.”

I walk over to the shelf and open the door. Her mouth drops open before she strides past me and pushes the door shut. She inspects the joint at the corner of the wall, then turns back to look at me.

“Open it again.”