Page 106 of Hayden's Stalker

Ah, I see. That’s a shame. You should’ve asked earlier. He could’ve been sleeping here from the start.

Harrison’s the least likely to pry of all my friends, but he also happens to conveniently be the one without his partner on this tour. I’m so grateful that he’s not pushing me on the Tati thing because I know that both Gabriel and Seb would, and Heatherdefinitelywould if she was around to ask questions.

I know. I feel guilty as fuck.

I know it’s a bad idea, but I open my messages with Tati and type one out to her as well.

Last day sneaking around trying to get your breakfast as quietly as you just did.

As I hit send, a notification of Harrison’s reply shows on my screen.

Why would you feel guilty about it?

I almost go and reply to him, except that the three dots on the screen tell me that Tati’s typing, so I decide to wait and see what she says first.

Clearly not quietly enough if you were able to tell me exactly what I’ve been doing.

I type and delete a few messages to her before I finally settle on what exactly I want to say, and it’s actually the answer to Harrison’s question.

I’m the biggest asshole. I gave him no bunk on the bus, and now I’m glad I won’t have to work around his sleep schedule. Which he is, of course, only doing for my benefit as well.

All of this is for me. Jesse sleeping on the sofa while doing night shifts. Tati being here and us pretending we don’t want to be together. It’s all because of me, and I don’t know how I feel about that other than guilty as hell.

You’re not an asshole. I’d have no problem telling you if you were. We’ve got it sorted. Don’t stress.

Tati’s reply doesn’t really make me feel better because her words to Jesse earlier echo in my mind, and I write a pointed reply.

You didn’t exactly tell me you thought I’ve been making this job harder for you.

It isn’t long at all before her reply appears on the screen.

Did you think that pretending is easy for me?

There it is again. The admission that she’s pretending and that she wants me just as much as I want her. I lock my phone, then drop it on the bed as I stand up because texting back and forth is ridiculous when we could talk easier in person.

I make my way to her room and knock softly on her door, trying not to disturb Jesse at all as I do.

“Come in,” she calls quietly.

I open the door and smile at her but don’t say anything until I close it as gently as I can behind myself.

“I thought it might be easier to talk directly than to keep texting.”

“Yes, because being alone with you in a room with a bed makes it much easier to pretend,” she says dryly.

This comment brings with it the realization that we are indeed alone together in a room with a bed, but I know we need to talk. “Sorry, I didn’t think of that aspect. Want me to leave?”

“No, it’s fine. Take a seat, make my life hell.”

I laugh and sit down next to her while she finishes her granola. She finally sets the bowl aside and looks at me.

I smile when our eyes meet and ask her, “Good breakfast?”

“It wasn’t terrible. Did you come here to talk breakfast cereal with me?”

I guess she wants to get straight to the point.

“No. I guess I came here to ask why you think we should keep pretending at all.”