Page 105 of Hayden's Stalker

“Sleeping on the sofa is a complete bitch. It’s uncomfortable as hell, and even with noise-canceling headphones and a sleep mask, it’s very difficult to sleep through the day. I’m also aware that it makes a lot of your bus basically unusable for most of the day. If I slept in one of the bunks on the crew bus, it would be a lot more comfortable.” Jesse shrugs his shoulders.

If I think about it, I have seen Jesse awake at times that he should probably be sleeping, considering he’s on the night shift. The sofa is obviously uncomfortable, and he’s right that it does mean neither Tati nor I can use the main part of the bus during the day.

I turn my gaze to Tati, and she catches my eye. It reminds me again of how badly I fucked up when planning the interior of the bus. I’m sure there’s a way it could’ve been done with at leastonebunk for Jesse. If I hadn’t made that mistake, this wouldn’t be happening right now. A mistake I made because I was so horny for Tati that I would’ve done anything to make her happy.

“The crew bus isn’t going to be particularly comfortable, or quiet for day sleeping,” I point out.

“I know, but it’s the best option we’ve got,” Jesse says.

Tatiana adds, “I did offer to sleep on the sofa.”

“I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy, and that’s not even you,” Jesse laughs.

I have an idea, but it’s going to involve me swallowing my pride, which is honestly the least I can do for Jesse right now.

“Give me a second,” I tell them before I stand and walk to my bedroom.

I snatch up my phone and open my messages with Harrison.

Hey. You have spare bunks on your bus, don’t you?

It doesn’t take long for him to reply.

Uhuh. Why?

I know he won’t ask too many questions, but he’ll want to know something. I want to get back to Jesse and Tati, so I beg him.

I promise I’ll explain later, but can Jesse sleep in one of the bunks on your bus? It’s that or the crew bus and you know the crew bus will be fucked for him with being on the night shift.

The three dots show up immediately and then disappear before his reply appears.

Sure. I don’t see why not. Why can’t he just sleep in the bunks on your bus?

I don’t reply at once because I want to let Jesse know the good news and at least go part way to rectifying my mistake with him.

As I walk back toward them, Jesse says to Tati, “From what I’ve seen, you’re very good at your job, so there’s no point in making that harder for you.”

She’s facing away from me, looking at Jesse as they talk, and she replies, “God knows Hayden’s done his best to make it as hard as possible.”

Jesse’s eyes widen as he looks up at me, seeming horrified. It’s nice to know what Tati really thinks about me and the fuck ups I’ve managed to so brilliantly make during her time working for me.

“Gee, thanks,” I say, unable to keep the hurt from my voice.

“Shit, sorry, Hayden. I didn’t mean—”

I hold a hand up to stop her talking because I honestly don’t want to hear her reasoning right now. “Don’t bother. I know I fucked up.” I look past her to Jesse and say, “Anyway, you cansleep on Harrison’s bus. Because Heather’s not on the tour, her bodyguard isn’t on the bus, and there are spare bunks there. It’s nicer than the crew bus and will be much quieter for you.”

“Are you sure it’s okay?” Jesse asks.

I hold up my phone and tell him, “Harrison says it’s fine. Can you sleep one more day on the sofa before tonight’s concert? Otherwise, we can check when we’re stopping if you want to switch today.”

“One more sleep won’t kill me,” Jesse assures me with a smile.

I smile and thank him before I head back to my room. I unlock my phone and write a reply to Harrison.

Remember when my tour bus took ages to get finished? I got them to make a room for Tati so she wouldn’t have to dress and stuff in public areas. When they did that, the bunks got removed, so Jesse’s been sleeping on the sofa.

I write it all out in one big hit and admitting the truth feels like a relief. I wait for his reply while I listen to Tati getting herself her usual morning bowl of granola and smile when I see it.