She moves further into the bus as I shut the door behind her. It sections off the rest of the bus from the driver’s seat and the door to enter the bus. I move aside so that she can inspect the door before she opens it and looks at Owen.
“How secure can this door be made to be?”
“We don’t have a lot of time, and I’d have to check with our supplier, but we can have it switched for one with reinforced steel and put a lock on it.”
Tati nods. “Please do that. Is twenty-four hours enough time?”
“I’m not sure. Will you be fine to continue looking through without me? I’ll go back to the office and make the call.”
“Yes, thank you. Security is a particular issue for this bus, and I would really like to see a secure door between the entrance and the rest of the bus.”
“Got it,” Owen says confidently. “I’ll see what I can do.”
She turns back to me, and I’m once again surprised by the security things she thinks of that I never would. “Good thinking.”
“That’s what I’m here for.”
I get butterflies in my stomach as I lead the way down the walkway to open the door of her room. I hope she likes it, even though it’s tiny. There’s barely enough space for the double bed inside it, and when Tati follows me into the room, I’mveryaware of her scent and how close she is to me. Not to mention the bed in front of us tormenting me with how much I want to throw Tati onto it.
“I would’ve thought you’d have a bigger room than this,” she says, sounding surprised.
“This isn’t mine,” I shrug as casually as I can. “I thought you might be more comfortable if you had a room of your own. There’s supposed to be a big sofa and a dining table on the other side of it with a massive kitchen. I figured I could forego those things, and you said you don’t mind living on microwavable meals.”
I look down at her, and she blinks at me as she shakes her head before she says quietly, “I’d have been fine sleeping in a bunk.”
“I know you would. Sorry it’s so cramped.”
I want to show her the drawers, so I slide past her to get to the other side of the bed. As I do, her breasts brush againstme, and my heart stops beating before it begins to pump all the blood in my body down to my cock. I struggle to avoid getting an erection as I crouch next to the bed.
I pull out one of the drawers and manage to tell her, “Hopefully the drawers and the overhead lockers will be enough storage for you.”
“I’m sure they’ll be fine.”
“If you have anything that needs to be hung up, you can hang it in my closet if you want.”
“That’s very kind of you,” she says in a croaky voice.
Her eyes are glistening, and I’m so glad I did this for her and that it means this much to her. It’s worth all the hours I spent emailing back and forth with the tour bus company to get this sorted out.
“Well, let’s see the rest,” she says quietly, and I smile as I nod at her.
I take her through another corridor, show her the toilet and bathroom on our right, and a space with a refrigerator and some cupboards on the left.
“This is meant to be something of a wardrobe, but I had to do some shuffling around to fit your room,” I tell her.
“Hey, whatever works,” she shrugs.
We’ve reached the door at the back of the bus that will lead to my room. When I open it, we’re faced with a full suite with a queen-size bed sitting across the bus. Opposite the bed is a window, with a wardrobe on either side of it and a marble countertop underneath it.
“Wow,” Tati whispers.
“You haven’t seen the best part,” I grin at her.
I look down at the tablet Owen gave me. There are a few menus, and when I find one for ‘Master TV,’ I press the button to pop it up or put it down.
“Abracadabra!” I announce as a sixty-five-inch television slides up from the countertop.
“Holy shit,” Tati gasps.