If only I’d known that was all it would take to get her on board, I wouldn’t have been so stressed out the first time I met her.
“And here I was, terrified that you wouldn’t like me enough to agree to work with me.” I give her a wry grin.
“Well, to be fair, you weren’t to know that I would sell my soul to drive a car like yours. I’ve driven a few Lamborghinis before, and it’s always fun. They’re my favorite, though the Lotus comes a close second,” she says enthusiastically.
I can’t help but smile as I listen to Tati. Her face is lit up like a Christmas tree, and it’s obvious she’s very passionate about sports cars. I've noticed her appreciating them when we’ve been out as well. I love this about her, and I’m fascinated to get a glimpse into this side of her personality.
“April Conway and sports cars,” I say slowly. “Things I had no idea would get you so excited but do. Fascinating.”
She looks away from me shyly and nudges me with her elbow. I’m shocked by this small contact, and my cock jerks as I think about her touching me in other, more intimate places.
“Shut up. I almost died when I met April.”
“You should’ve told me you were a fan. I would’ve introduced you properly, and not when she was on the way to the bathroom,” I laugh but find myself wishing I could’ve given her a better first meeting with my friend. “She’s coming to our Chicago gig, though, if you do want a proper introduction,” I point out.
“Maybe. I’ll be busy making sure you make it through the night unscathed.”
The casual way she says it blows me away because a thrill of terror runs through me just at the reminder of my situation. Everything about her is relaxed. It’is clear she’s confident in her abilities, though just the reminder of why she’s here is enough to make my hands shake and my heart race.
“How are you so blasé about something I’m terrified about?”
Tati shrugs. “It’s my day job. Probably the same way you’re blasé about being friends with April fucking Conway.”
“I don’t think it’s the same thing. Besides, you’re pretty blasé about hanging around Cruise Control,” I wink at her.
“Becauseyou’remy day job,” she teases me.
“Ouch. I find myself reduced to being a job for you, and it hurts.” I clutch my chest and feign a pain there as Tati laughs.
It is a little painful, though. I realize I don’t want to just be a job for her. I want her to be in my life more permanently than as just a client. Not even just to fuck her. I enjoy having her in the library with me. I like laughing and talking with her like this. I know that my stalker will be caught at some point, and I’llhave to give her up because I’m just her boss, and she’s just my employee, which pricks at my heart.
“Yup. Nothing but my day job,” she confirms.
The prick of a needle in my heart becomes the stab of a knife. I have a boyfriend anyway, so Tatiana probably isn’t a good choice of friend for me.
“Your stalker will be caught, and I’ll be on to the next troublesome rock star. I guess I might stream your music once in a while and think to myself, ‘remember that time he heard me…’” she trails off and snorts with laughter, which is cute. “Okay, I guess thatwillbe a funny story for me one day.”
I laugh, and despite the arousal that her reminder of last night brings to me, it’s a relief to know that I haven’t killed our professional relationship. “I’m glad to hear it.”
She finishes her coffee and says, “Anyway, we should probably get going. I have a real urge to take the long route to the tour bus.”
“I bet you do,” I joke.
I won’t mind if she does. It’ll be nice to go for a drive in my car instead of the usual black SUVs I’m in most of the time these days.
We clean up after breakfast, and Tati escorts me to my room, where I’m once again locked inside it. I’m excited to get on tour where I won’t be locked in this room all the time. It hasn’t happened too often, but it’s been enough times that I’ve started to feel a little trapped in here.
I shuck off my gray sweatpants and toss them in the hamper with last night’s sheet on the way to the shower. As soon as I’m naked under the warm spray, I can’t help but imagine Tati in here with me. My cock stiffens as I soap up my hands and spend a little too long cleaning it. I’m not masturbating over her today, but I rub my soapy hand up and down my shaft, wishing it was hers instead.
Fucking hell.
Guilt floods through me because I have a fucking boyfriend, and Ireallyneed to not think dirty thoughts about this woman every five seconds. It’s hard because Blake doesn’t make me feel this way. With us it’s always tense and awkward, leaving me second guessing everything I say and do. Whereas Tati makes things easier for me as much as she can, accommodating my needs instead of putting herself first. She makes me laugh, smile, and feel more confident in myself, but I have to wonder if a part of my attraction to her is simply because of the position I’m in.
I put my thoughts to the side as I finish washing quickly and do my best not to think about Tatiana naked when I get out of the shower and realize hers is on in the other room.
The sound of her moaning in ecstasy last night rings in my ears, and blood rushes to my cock as I dry myself. I pull out a pair of jeans and a tight gray t-shirt and try my best to forget the sound of her ecstasy. There are so many things I like about Tati. I respect her achievements as a security specialist, and it isn't just her body I’m attracted to, it's her personality and wit as well that draws me to her.