I shouldnotbe masturbating while thinking about Tatiana Swanson.
The Car
Tatiana barely speaksto me while we make breakfast together the next morning. I’m wracked with guilt because I masturbated over her last night. I’m also aware that I need to let her know that I heard what she was doing so she’s aware that I can overhear her from my bathroom.
I spend the time making breakfast trying to think of how I’ll word this, and I ease into the conversation once we’re seated at the table by commenting casually, “You’ve been quiet this morning.”
“Just tired, I guess,” she says casually, except I can’t help but notice her cheeks turn bright red, and my cock jerks in my sweatpants.
“Didn’t sleep well?” I ask, trying to angle around to what I need to tell her.
“Oh, not too badly.”
It doesn’t give me the opening I need, and I take a sip of my coffee, wondering if I could just not tell her. I know that’s not fair to her, so I steel myself for how fucking embarrassing this conversation will be for both of us and clear my throat.
“I, um, should probably tell you something.” I can feel her gaze on me, but I stare directly down at the toast on my plate as I mutter, “I heard you last night.”
“You heard me last n—oh fucking fuck.”
She avoids my gaze, and I feel terrible that I overheard, so I add quickly, “I didn’t mean to. I’m so sorry. At first, I didn’t know what I’d heard, and then, um, it became obvious, and I left my bathroom as soon as I realized what was happening.”
I normally think carefully about what I say to people, but as usual with Tatiana, I blurt out everything I’m thinking.
“I just didn’t feel right not telling you, but I should’ve just kept my mouth shut. I’m sorry.”
I worry that I’ve really overstepped the mark and embarrassed us both, and I wish that I could go back in time and not start this conversation.
She holds her hand up. “Stop talking. Let’s never mention this again, okay? I apologize for what you overheard, and I’ll make sure there aren’t any noise complaints in the future.”
“You don’t need to apologize.” I reassure her, “It’s natural and normal, actually. My family is super religious, so I grew up being told that ‘masturbation is sex with yourself,’ so you shouldn’t do it outside of marriage. Needless to say, I don’t think that anymore. Go on with your bad self, I say. If you want to—”
I’m fucking rambling again. This is so uncomfortable, and I should’ve never said anything. I could’ve just stayed out of my bathroom whenever she was in her room or something.
“Sorry, I’ll stop talking.”
“Thanks. Meanwhile, I’ll just be here wishing there was a handy cyanide capsule for me. You asked yesterday what torture would be bad enough to make me bite? Yup. That’ll do it,” she groans.
I can’t help but laugh as I joke, “Mr. Big has nothing on me.”
She laughs a little, then asks, “Are you excited to see the tour bus today?”
I’m excited to see my bus and I look forward to showing her the room I had them make for her.
“Yeah, I am. Oh, I was thinking that since Jesse isn’t coming today, do you want to drive my car there?”
Tatiana gasps and whips her head around to look at me. “Yes. A thousand million times, yes.”
I grin at her, pleased to have made the offer because I knew she’d be excited by it, and I’m excited to see her drive it.
“A billion times, yes. Noted.”
“Are you sure, though? Most people don’t want me driving their babies.”
I shrug and pretend this isn’t massive for me because nobody else has ever driven my Sián. “It’s just a car.”
“It isnot‘just a car,’ Hayden Vega,” she says sternly. “How dare you disparage a Lamborghini Sián like that! I mean, when I saw what you drove, I practically took the contract based on that alone.”