Page 40 of Hayden's Stalker

I’m struck by fear and unable to move, though. I know in my head that I need to do what she says, but I’m scared by the urgency in her voice. Everything with my stalker comes crashingback to me, and even though I know this isn’t them, it makes me wonder what would happen if it was.

“You’re a fuckingcunt!” one of the men yells.

Tatiana pushes me away from her, and I stumble into Blake as she spins to face the man while he smashes a bottle of alcohol on the bar. Tatiana lunges toward him, places her hand over his wrist, and angles it down, which forces him to release the smashed bottle. She links her arms around each of the man’s and pulls them behind his back.

“What the fuck?” he yells.

My jaw drops open as I watch the display of her skills. She seems completely unfazed as she holds the man’s arms behind his back and he struggles against her grip. I never imagined she could do this. The guy she’s got in a hold clearly didn’t, either, because when security arrives and takes over, the man looks as shocked as I am when he sees who had hold of him.

Tatiana turns to face us, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen her angrier. Her bright blue eyes might as well be red with the fire she aims at us, and when she speaks, her tone is ice cold.

“We’re leaving. Jesse, go get the car. We’ll get Sebastian and Daryl.”

Jesse cringes at me as he walks away, and I wish I could be going with him. Instead, I follow Tatiana with Blake as we make our way upstairs and back into the VIP area. When we reach my bandmates, Tatiana stands in front of our group with her arms folded in front of her chest.

“I want to make one thing clear to everyone here. While I do not have any control over anyone except Hayden, I wouldhopethat you all care about his safety enough to pay attention and follow any instructions that I give you.”

My friends, who were sitting and talking before we came back, seem confused. Meanwhile, I deeply regret the way this night has turned out.

“So, let me make thisabundantlyclear. If I tell you to jump, I donotwant you to ask how high. I want you tojump.”

She turns and glares at Blake. For once, he looks apprehensive and concerned about what someone might say to him.

“Don’t do that again, Blake. Sebastian, we’re leaving now. You can come with us, or you can go home with one of these guys.”

Sebastian’s eyebrows raise, but he grins at her. “Oh, if you think I’m missingthisdrive home, you’re sorely mistaken. Besides, I’m ready to go, anyway.”

Tatiana looks pissed but says, “Great.” She nods at Gabriel and Harrison, who are seated next to Sebastian. “Good night, gentlemen. It was lovely to meet you.” She turns to Blake and finishes, “Good night, Blake. I’m sure we’ll meet again, and I’m sure you’ll behave better the next time I see you since you’ve assured me that you care about Hayden’s safety. So fucking prove it.”

I don’t bother inviting him to come back to my place tonight. What just happened has put a massive downer on my mood, and I don’t feel like being around him right now, let alone fucking him. Amidst all of that, he called Tatiana a bitch, and I don’t like that at all.

Tatiana leads us downstairs and into the car. There’s a tense silence when we get inside, and I don’t want to break it. Clearly, Sebastian doesn’t either because he pulls out his phone and texts me.

What the fuck happened?!

I cringe and look up at Tatiana before replying.

Tatiana tried to get us to leave the bar when two guys were about to have a fight. Blake called her a bitch. I froze. She’s pissed at both of us.

I’ve got two messages from Blake that he sent before I even got to the car.

Your bodyguard has such a massive stick up her ass.

Want me to come around when I’m done at the club?

I scoff quietly and flick to his messages.

I’ll probably be sleeping. Don’t bother. Also, don’t call her a bitch or say she’s got a stick up her ass. She was just trying to keep me safe, which is her literal job.

Sebastian is obviously reading my messages as I write them, but I don’t give a shit. I’d have said all of this aloud if it wasn’t for the fact that I feel like a naughty child who’s been scolded for misbehaving.

Blake is a dick. I like Tatiana. She’s feisty.

Sebastian’s message shows up, and I go back to his messages to reply.

At least I know she’ll keep me safe. You were right to refuse to let her show you her skills. Trust me. You wouldn’t like it. The dude seemed to be in pain, and I swear I thought she was going to break his arms or something.

He smirks as he writes a reply.