Page 23 of Hayden's Stalker

“I’ve heard so many things about her. It’s weird meeting her in person. She’s tiny.”

I grin and tease him, “You literally sound like one of our fans when they’re meeting me.”

“I guess so.” He chuckles. “So, did everything go okay last night?”

“Yeah. All good. Tati put deadbolts on my bedroom and told me she’d make me move if I wasn’t going on tour soon.”

He looks impressed and nods. “I get it.” He frowns and shakes his head. “I didn’t consider you being alone here overnight too big of a risk to leave you on your own. I’m excited to work with her and see how she operates.”

I’d like to see how she operates.

I figure it’s probably not a good idea to voice the fact that I’ve been lusting over Tati for the past twenty-four hours, so I smile at Jesse instead.

“I think I might go play the drums.”

God knows I have some energy to get out right now. It’s that, or go jack off while thinking about Tatiana, and I’ve already concluded that’s a bad idea.

“Sure, Mr. Vega. I’ll be by the elevator.”

I nod, and he heads to his usual station by the entrance as I make my way to the music room. I decide to play throughGames We Play. They’re the songs we practice the most, but they’re also the songs we’ll play the most this tour.

I grab the remote to turn on the sound system and make my way to my drum kit. Once I’m set up, I start “Lasting Dreams” playing and twirl my drumstick while I wait for my cue before I play in time with the recording as Gabriel belts out the first verse.

I sing my harmonies during the chorus, and I’m pouring with sweat by the fourth song. I pull my shirt off and toss it aside during the “Rules to Break” bridge before I come back in with my drums for the chorus.

I know when Tatiana enters the room because the feel of the soundproofed room always changes when someone opens the door. I also know that Jesse never comes in here.

I look around when the room goes back to normal, and sure enough, she’s standing by the door, staring at me. I actually missa beat in the song, and I’m embarrassed that I fucked up, but she doesn’t seem to notice.

I smile at her as I play one of my favorite songs on the album. It’s easy to perform in front of thousands of people compared to performing alone in front of Tatiana. I can usually lose myself in the music when I perform, but today I’m hyper aware of her every move as she watches me.

The chorus starts, and I sing along while looking at her. She shifts from one foot to the other, her head moving slightly in time with the music, and I enjoy showing her the thing in the world that I’m the most passionate about.

I haven’t finished the album, but I pick up the remote and switch off the music when the song ends. I’m out of breath as she smiles at me.

“That was amazing, Hayden.”

I get a flush of pride at her compliment and say, “Thanks. I can’t wait to get on tour. Performing our concerts is one of the best things in my life.” I know that I only ever say that at the beginning of a tour and joke, “You can remind me I said that at the end of the tour when I’m bitching about being ready to come home, though.”

I laugh as I put my drumsticks away, and Tatiana says, “Well, hopefully, I’m long gone before the end of the tour.”

I freeze as I stare down at my sticks while I process what she said. She’ll only be with me until my stalker is caught, so she might not be around by the end of the tour.

I stand up straight and walk over to her. “Yeah, of course. The faster you’re not around, the better, I guess. Is it strange to have people always wanting you gone?”

I stop in front of her with maybe a foot of space between us, and I can’t help but notice Tatiana running her gaze over my body. My cock stiffens because I like the idea of her being attracted to me.

She laughs a little too casually and says, “Well, I’d never thought of it like that, but now I’ll just always assume my clients are wishing I would fuck off.”

I’m horrified that what I saidcouldbe taken this way, and heat rushes to my cheeks as I assure her, “I didn’t mean it like that.”

“Oh, no. You said what you said. I distinctly heard you say you want me gone,” Tatiana says with a mischievous grin.

I can’t help but laugh. “Okay, let’s go with that. I’m just counting down the hours until you leave. The last twenty-four hours since we met have been practically unbearable.”

It’s not entirely untrue. Being around this woman and not fucking her is pretty goddamn unbearable. It’s so bizarre because I’ve never come across someone I wanted this badly before and just couldn’t have. It fucking sucks.

“Well”—she clears her throat before continuing—“as you’re stuck with me until your stalker is found, I’m assuming that’s not what you’re wearing out tonight?”