Page 194 of Hayden's Stalker

I nod at Tati and sigh. “I know that you’re right. It just feels like a shitty thing to do to the fans.”

Heather shakes her head. “It isnota shitty thing to do, Hayden Vega. I think it’s very sensible. You’ll postpone the concerts, go home to Chicago and recuperate, then get back on tour again. I approve of this idea.”

“Well, as long asyouapprove, lover, that’s all that matters,” Sebastian laughs.

Room service arrives with our lunch shortly after, and I talk with my friends until I get a call from the victim liaison officer that Special Agent McGuire said would call me. I take the call into the spare room and talk to them for about half an hour.

They give me a lot of information that goes in one ear and out the other, so I’m glad when they tell me they’ll be sending everything via email as well. I’m less thrilled when they tell me they need some more information about Daniel as well, and my gut churns as I thank them, on edge and wondering what more they need to know.

“They’re sending me an email with more details on services and stuff. A few more questions they have about Daniel,” I tell everyone as I rejoin them. I sigh because it’s all feeling too much again, and speaking to the victim liaison officer reminds me that I’m a victim. “It feels like it’ll never really be over.”

Tati stands from her armchair and strides over to me. She wraps her arms around me, and I pull her into my embrace as I hold her tight and inhale her floral scent.

“Just take it one day at a time, Hayden. I’m here with you.”

Her words are of some comfort. As much as I hate that she’s had some traumatic events in her past, it’s reassuring to know she’ll be with me to help me get through this. At the same time, I feel oddly alone and separate from everyone, even Tati, because I’m the only one who was there in that cabin. I’m the only one who Sarah infected with her touch. My heart begins to be faster at the thought, and I think that a part of my thoughts spiraling like this is to do with the fact that I feel like I’ve been through the emotional ringer today.

I sigh into Tati’s hair and pull away from her so I can turn and smile at my friends. “I’m getting tired, guys. This has all been really overwhelming, so I’m going to go rest for a bit if that’s okay?”

They all agree and wish me well before Tati and I finally leave the suite. Jesse’s waiting for us in the hallway, and he gives us a strained smile.

“All good, guys?” he asks.

“Yeah. We’re going back to the hotel room, so you can feel free to take the rest of the day off.”

I smile at him, and words can’t express my gratitude to him for everything he’s done for me. Tati told me that when Cooper was trying to keep her from getting any information about what was happening, Jesse kept her in the loop.

“Okay. Thanks.” He nods at me.

“I do need to get something off the bus, though. Do you have the key to get in?” I ask.

Jesse nods, and we head down to the lobby while he goes to get the key. He meets us there with it before he heads back upstairs, and Tati takes me out to the bus. Butterflies tumble around in my stomach, and a part of me still feels unworthy of her love, despite what she told me today.

I know with complete certainty that I want to spend the rest of my life with her, even more so now than before. Having been faced with a fate worse than death, I don’t want to waste another moment of my life not being married to this woman. She’s everything I’ve ever wanted in a life partner, and I’m acutely aware of just how short life can be for some people.

When we reach the bus, Tati unlocks it and then the secure door as well, which she locks behind us as usual.

“What did you need to get? More clothes?” she asks.

“Yeah, I do.”

She follows me to our bedroom and relaxes on the bed to watch as I pack up a suitcase to take back upstairs with us.

“I’m not sure when we’ll fly back to Chicago. I need to check with the FBI to see if they need me to stay in San Antonio. I doubt it, but it’s worth checking.”

“Makes sense,” she agrees.

I head into the bathroom, my heart pounding in my chest. I know she’ll say yes, but I’m still oddly nervous as I reach up into the tall cabinet to pull down the ring box I stashed here a month ago. In it is a white gold engagement ring, with a single diamond sitting in a bezel setting. I worked with the jeweler to come up with a design that would be practical for Tati to wear even when she’s working. Once again, Harrison accepted delivery of it for me with no idea how important it was to me.

I grab my toiletries bag and put everything into it, then frown when I can’t find my cologne. I look around the bathroom, but it’s nowhere to be seen, so I give up and head back out to Tati.

“That’s weird. My cologne isn’t there.”

“Oh, that.” Her cheeks flush bright pink. “I took it when you were gone. I missed you.”

I stare at her, utterly in awe that I’ve actually found someone who loves me the way I want them to. After years of being in unhappy or unsatisfying relationships, to actually meet someone who I connect with the way that I have with Tati is beautifully satisfying.

I can’t stop the smile that comes to my face. “I love you, preciosa.”