I notice her body tense up, but then she visibly relaxes, and even though I was joking, it brings back the knowledge that she’s almost certainly killed someone.
She says with far too casual a laugh, “No, I don’t. I have to get a gun license like every other person, I’m afraid.”
“Noteveryother person. I don’t have a gun license.”
“Good point. Nor do I think you should have one, particularly in your situation.”
She shudders, and I’m surprised by this response to the thought of me having a gun.
I frown at her and ask, “Would it be bad for me to have a gun?”
“Not if you were well trained with it. I’ve had some clients who react poorly to situations like yours and think the solution is to arm themselves when they’ve never held a gun in their life. The reality is that without being trained or accustomed to guns, they’re more likely to be harmed by it than to do themselves any good. I can explain that to most clients, but some dig their heels in, and it makes my job tougher. So, I’m grateful you’re not here telling me you want one.” She smiles at me.
“Well, I’ll scratch that off my shopping list,” I joke.
“What a relief!”
It’s so nice standing here and talking with her, but I remember she hasn’t had breakfast yet. “You must be hungry. Let’s continue talking while you eat.”
I smile at her, but she doesn’t respond. Her expression changes, and my cock jerks when she getsthat lookon her face again. The one that makes me think she wants me as badly as I want her. The one that makes me feel guilty as fuck for enjoying.
She spins on her heel and heads toward the kitchen. I follow her, reprimanding myself for my reaction to her as I sit at the breakfast bar and watch her pull out the bread to make herself some toast.
I can’t take my eyes off her, and I tell myself it’s just because she’s such an interesting person. It’s definitely nothing at all to do with the fact that I’mveryaware of the cock between my legs and how much I want to stuff it into Tatiana and fuck her until she screams my name.
“How do I use this coffee machine?” she asks, with a frown on her face.
I smile and walk over to where she’s standing, pretending to myself that this isn’t just an excuse to be near her again.
“Here. I’ll show you.” I walk her through how to use it, but I want to do something for her, so I say, “I can make it for you, if you want.”
“Thanks, I appreciate it.”
She rewards me with that dazzling smile of hers, and I smile back like an idiot, pleased that I seem to have made her happy with my offer.
“How do you take your coffee?”
“Black, and the amount of sweetener depends on the type of sugar,” she says as she turns back to her toast.
“I’ve got white sugar.”
“Two, in that case.” She turns to smile at me over her shoulder, and I’m curious what the difference is.
I frown at her as I start the coffee brewing. “What if it was brown sugar?”
“Four for brown sugar. It’s not as sweet, and I prefer it.”
I make a mental note to add brown sugar to the shopping list so she can have her preference and watch as she puts her bread in the toaster. Aside from the fact that she’s gorgeous, I find her incredibly interesting, and I wish she’d tell me more about herself.
“Can I be honest with you?” I ask.
The words to start the conversation are out of my mouth before I can stop them.
“I’d prefer it if you were.”
She laughs as she says it, but I’m disappointed when she doesn’t turn to face me this time.
“I’m fascinated by you, Tatiana.” My heart pounds in my chest as I make the admission.