The screaming in my brain, which has dulled over the course of the day, returns at full volume. Every cell in my body is resisting this, and the thought of being left alone in that room with her again makes me want to die.
I know I can’t. My only goal is to survive this and get back to the people I love. Not the sick, twisted love I get from Sarah here.
Daniel frowns at Sarah. “I can watch him tonight.”
I’m scared to add my voice to his and try to persuade her not to sleep with me, but I have to try. “I’ll understand if you need to get some actual sleep tonight.”
I recognize my mistake as soon as the words are out of my mouth because Sarah’s jaw tightens, and she glares at me for a second before she turns her gaze to Daniel and gives him a simpering smile.
“I will be fine with him, sugar. You’re the one who needs rest. I have to get some things in the morning, and you can’t go out in public because they’ll be looking for you. I need you fresh and ready to deal with him then.”
He nods at her, even though he doesn’t look happy about it, and my stomach drops because Daniel was my last chance not to spend tonight with her. I can’t do it. The room feels off-kilter, and I grip the arm of the sofa tight, desperately needing something to hold onto.
I struggle to breathe as I listen to Sarah kissing Daniel, knowing that each moment that passes is bringing me closer to the bedroom. I’m trembling by the time he leaves, and Sarah turns to look at me.
“Are you cold, baby?” she asks in that sickeningly sweet voice.
I shake my head but can’t form words to respond with, counting my panicked breaths in my head to try and distract myself from the fact that I’m alone with her again.
“I see.” Her voice is colder, but it still has the façade of sugary sweetness to it. “Well, let’s go to bed. It’s been a long day, but we’ve had fun, haven’t we?”
No. I hate her. I hate her. I hate her.
I manage to shrug but still can’t talk until I swallow down the bile that has risen in my throat. “It’s been okay. I don’t enjoy being tied up all the time.”
Maybe she’ll let me sleep untied tonight. I could wait until she’s asleep and then run far, far away from here.
“I know it must be hard on you.” She nods and seems satisfied with my response. “When you can be trusted, I promise I’ll untie you. I don’t want our life to be like this, but while I’m being patient with you, it hurts when you reject me. It also shows me that I can’t trust you to be untied yet. Soon, baby. When you realize how much you love me, I’ll be able to let you go.”
I chew my bottom lip and shrug casually. “I suppose that makes sense.”
I’m not sure how I can get to a point where I can convince her that I’m in love with her but also never sleep with her. I need her to trust me enough to untie me, but I’m not sure what I’ll have to do in order to get there, and the thought of it brings the fear and adrenaline rushing back into my body.
“Anyway, let’s go to bed. I’ll take you to the toilet before we go.”
I can’t stand the thought of it, and I’d rather piss myself than go in front of her. I’ve only gone once today because I knew she’d want to take me, and when she did, it was just as disgusting and intrusive as last night. I’ve been holding it for hours, so I’d only have to go one more time before bed.
As I stand at the toilet to relieve myself, Sarah says, “Have you ever tried a golden shower?”
I’m going to be sick.
I manage to wipe my cock with the toilet paper and flush it as I whip up my pants before I bend over to empty the contents of my stomach into the toilet. Sarah rubs my back, and I can’t stand her touch. I retch for a long time after I’ve finished vomiting, and it feels like it’ll never end because she keeps rubbing my back, making it worse.
“Poor baby,” she coos, and I retch a final time. “The pizza we had for dinner must not have agreed with you.”
I’m astounded by the mental gymnastics she does to come to this conclusion, and I’m unsure if she truly believes it or not. I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand, then flush the toilet and wash my hands. Everything is made more awkward by my hands being tied together in front of me.
When I turn from the sink, I’m faced with what is essentially her naked body under the mesh négligée, and the nausea comes rushing back in, but my stomach has nothing left to bring up, and I don’t even retch.
She leads me back to the bedroom we slept in last night, and she makes me get changed into a pair of gray sweatpants she bought before she ties me up quickly. I want to test the security of the bonds, but I don’t want to do it while she’s awake. She stands back from me and looks down at me with a smile on her face when she’s finished. I hate the sight of her, and I quickly look away to the nearby clock, where I see it’s almost one now.
“Look at me, baby,” she says in her sickening voice, but I can’t bring myself to do it. The sound of her cocking the gun rings out, and fear floods through me as she says in a stern voice, “Look at me.”
I turn to look at her, keeping my eyes on her face even though her naked body is still in my sight.
“Why do you make me do this, Hayden?” she asks with a sigh. “This was supposed to be amazing, but you make it all so hard. I know I just need to be patient, but fucking hell am I struggling with you. I’ve done so much for you. I made you a nice breakfast, we watched movies together, and we had some drinks. It was amazing to get to just hang out with you.”
She says it as though we simply chilled together all day. As though I’m not being held hostage against my will and wasn’t tied to the sofa or held at gunpoint the times I wasn’t.