Sarah helps me to drink, and I take a small sip from the can. I’d like to get wasted and forget where I am because I know that Sarah will do whatever she wants with me either way, but I’m scared that if I get drunk, I’ll let slip how much I hate her.
She notices what I’m doing by the time she’s finished her beer, and my can is still half-full.
“Come on, slowpoke,” she says with her sickening laugh. “We all want to have a second drink, but we have to wait for you.”
She encourages me to drink the rest of the can as quickly as I can, and I do before she opens another one and immediately brings it to my lips. I take a normal sip and pray to every higher power there is that if we’re going at the same pace, she’ll get drunk before I do.
We’re about halfway into the second film when I notice we’re getting close to midday. I keep watching the clock on the wall until I see it tick over to twelve. I stare blankly at the screen in front of me and worry about Tati. Knowing that she’s thinking about me is a huge source of comfort. Wherever she is, right now, I’m in her thoughts.
My love for her is overwhelming, and I want nothing more than to have her safely in my arms again. I hope she’s recovered as well, as I’ve been told she will and that she’s coping with my kidnapping. Tears well in my eyes as I think about her, and the longing to be with her consumes my entire being as the rest of the film plays out.
When it ends, it’s almost one, and I’ve managed to compose myself enough that Sarah doesn’t notice anything when she looks at me.
“I’ll go make us lunch. Daniel can watch you while I do.”
She kisses me, and I stiffly accept it, thankful she seems to have stopped with the tongue for now. She turns and kisses Daniel straight after, reaching her hand down to fondle his crotch as they both moan loudly.
I try my best to ignore them before Sarah finally leaves, and I’m left alone with Daniel.
“Just so you know, you’re nothing but a glorified sex toy. It’s me that she loves,” he says in a low voice as soon as she’s out of earshot.
I turn to look at him, and he’s got an erection, which is awkward as fuck. I can’t even fathom getting hard for this woman. Just the thought of her makes my cock want to turtle away.
“Great. I love that for you. I hope you’re very happy together.”
He sneers at me and says in a warning tone, “One day, she’ll tire of you, and I won’t have to share her.”
“That’s what I don’t get,” I say with a shrug as I rest my head back against the sofa and look at the ceiling. “If you love her, then why am I here? Why would you help her kidnap me?”
“Because I want her to be happy. If fucking you makes her happy, then I love her enough to give her that.”
“If you say so,” I tell him noncommittally.
It’s bizarre to see the power she wields over him. Especially having talked to her about him and seen the way she casually dismisses him in our supposed future together. I don’t think telling him that would be beneficial, so I don’t say anything more.
Sarah brings back toasted sandwiches that are actually delicious, but I don’t compliment her on them because that would be too ‘normal,’ and nothing about this situation is normal.
The rest of the day passes interminably slowly. I begin to dread any time Sarah sends Daniel away for any small task, which she does with increasing frequency as the day goes on and we drink more beers. Each time she talks more and more graphically about me, making it harder for me to hold my tongue.
“I’m not ready for that,” I say with as much patience as I can when she makes a lewd comment about blowing me.
“Exposure therapy, Hayden,” she says with a shrug at me. “It’s the best way for us to get through this. Besides, once you’ve had my lips wrapped around your cock, you’ll be begging for more blow jobs.”
She gives me a knowing smirk, and I have to once again suppress the urge to vomit. By the time we reach the evening, I’m at my limit.
It’s almost midnight when I yawn, and Sarah asks, “Are you tired, baby?”
“I’d like to go to bed if that’s possible,” I tell her.
“Of course.” She turns to Daniel. “Can you watch him while I get ready for bed?”
“Sure, bunny,” he says.
Time alone with Daniel hasn’t been much more enjoyable than time alone with Sarah. He takes every opportunity to insult me and remind me how Sarah loves him so much more than she loves me. It’s still better than being alone withher, though.
When she comes back into the room, I vomit a little in my mouth. She’s wearing a completely see-through négligée tonight, and fear grips me that she’s going to rape me tonight under the guise of the ‘exposure therapy’ she keeps mentioning. My heart pounds in my chest, and I’m shaking as she kisses Daniel.
“I’m fine to look after Hayden on my own again tonight,” she tells him in a sickly sweet voice.