I’m too scared of setting him off again to try and get any more information out of him right now. I close my eyes and go back to thinking about Tati. I imagine a world where none of this is happening. Where Sarah and Daniel have been caught, and I’m happily in a relationship with her, free of any threats.
Stay alive.
It’s all I need to do, and I can do it. I can endure anything for that future with her. If I can make it through this, then it means these two will have been caught. The possibility of proposing to and marrying Tati is a shield that I will use to help me stay alive.
When the sound of footsteps in the hallway reaches me, I open my eyes and look at the clock immediately to see that it’s almost ten. Daniel is on alert and has the gun trained at the door until the sound of Sarah’s voice rings out.
“I’m back, sugar,” she says as she opens the door.
As she enters the room, her eyes immediately land on me, and my entire body tenses. My skin crawls as she looks at me and the nausea comes back when she gets a bright smile on her face.
“Hi, Hayden. I missed you.” I don’t say anything in response, and her smile slips a little. “Did you miss me?”
I know what she wants me to say, but it feels like a betrayal to Tati. I don’t want to reply, but at the same time, I need to stay alive.
“Of course,” I tell her, using every ounce of media training I’ve had to cover up my emotions in public.
She scrutinizes me for a moment, then says, “It’s okay, baby. We’ll get there.” She turns to Daniel and says, “Follow me, sugar. Hayden will be fine on his own for a moment, and then I’ll take over watching him for the night.”
He glares at me when she says this but stands and follows her to the door. I want to beg him to stay. I don’t want him to leave me alone with her at all, and the thought of what she might want to do with her makes me want to be sick. I can’t hear any of their conversation over the blood rushing to my ears as my heart pounds at double time, and I break into a cold sweat. The knowledge thatsheis going to come back to be with me as soon as they’re finished talking is too much.
I retch a few times and yank on the restraints before the door starts to open, and I fall still as I turn to watch Sarah walk into the room. She’s wearing a black lace négligée, and when she walks over to the window to close the blinds, I can see her ass in a black thong underneath it. I’m pretty sure this is intentional because she fiddles with the blinds longer than necessary and bends over a few times. I resist the strong urge to retch because she’s holding the silver gun Daniel pointed at me earlier.
When she finally turns around to smile at me, I’m on edge as I wait for whatever she’s going to say.
“I can’t believe I finally get to have you in my bed tonight. You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for this day,” she says, with obvious arousal in her voice.
It’s chilling that she can look at me tied up the way I am and find it a turn-on. I’ve never been more turned off in my life. Iwant to crawl into a hole and die as she begins to walk toward me.
“I don’t want to sleep with you, Sarah,” I tell her, even though it terrifies me.
She gives me a slow smile as she climbs onto the bed. She leans over, putting her ample cleavage in my face as she runs her hand softly down the side of my cheek. The skin she touches feels infected, and I know that it will never feel clean again now that her hand has been on it.
“Not yet, baby,” she coos at me. “All I want to do is be held by you.” She looks at my tied-up arms and laughs. “Well, maybe I’ll hold you tonight, but one day soon.”
“Please don’t,” I whisper, tears threatening to fall because of how much I don’t want this.
Everything is wrong. I don’t want her. I need to be gone. My brain is filled with a neverending scream that just keeps ringing out. My whole body turns to ice as her scent fills my nostrils. I need her to be away from me. I can’t stand it.
She pulls back, and her eyes glint dangerously as she looks at me. “It’s time for bed. Do you need to use the bathroom before we go to sleep?”
No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.
The word repeats as a bass track to go with the scream in my head. I want her to leave. I can’t do this.
“Yes, you should,” she says when I don’t respond. “I don’t want you to wet the bed,” she laughs.
She escorts me to the bathroom, but like Daniel, she doesn’t leave the room while I relieve myself. I try to angle myself away from her so she can’t see anything, but I can feel her eyes on me. I keep mine down because I hate the thought of her seeing me so much, and if I do this, I can pretend she hasn’t seen anything.
Sarah doesn’t need to push the gun into my back the way Daniel did to keep me moving. Even though it means headingback to the bed, my body only feels right when it’s moving away from her. Putting any kind of distance between us is a relief.
However, once we’re back in the room, I’m subjected to her tying me to the bed again. This time, she ties me up so that I’m under the bed covers before she sets the gun aside, turns off the overhead light but leaves a low lamp on in the corner of the room, and climbs into bed with me.
As soon as she’s back in the bed with me, nausea takes hold, and I want nothing more than to vomit everywhere. She places her head on my chest and throws an arm over me, taking up the place where only Tati belongs, and I shudder.
“Are you cold, baby?” she asks in a sickeningly sweet voice. “Let me warm you up.”
She turns her face up to mine, and before I even have time to realize what she’s going to do, she kisses me. She thrusts her tongue into my mouth. It’s slimy and wet and disgusting. I want to shove her away from me, and I pull my hands down to do it, but they can’t move any further than half an inch in the restraints.