“Sometimes. I’m not addicted to it, but it is fun. Mostly, I just like to swim. There’s something about the ocean that’s just so enjoyable. The salty air and water, it’s as though humans shouldn’t be there, but it still calls to me.”
Her eyes widen as she finishes speaking, and her cheeks flush bright pink. I don’t know what’s brought this response on, but my cock stirs again as she continues quickly.
“Anyway, enough about me. How did you meet the guys?”
I tell her my history with the guys and how we met at a music camp in our teens. I’m pretty sure she’s had me tell her my entire life story by the end of the meal, grilling me better than any interviewer.
I can’t help but notice that she tells me precisely nothing more about herself during our meal. In a way, I’m grateful, because she successfully distracted me from the dangerous thoughts I was having about her. I remind myself that I have a boyfriend any time I think about how amazing she is…which is about every five seconds.
After we clean up from dinner, we watch a movie on Netflix together. Well, I watch the movie, and she mostly watches the entryway, plus does two sweeps of the apartment over the duration.
“I’m ready for bed,” I say as I turn the TV off.
Tatiana nods, and I follow her to my bedroom, where she shows me the door. “There are two deadbolts. If you hear anyone trying to open this door, call me immediately. I can get to you before they manage to get through the second lock.”
A bolt of fear hits me at the thought of someone trying to get into my room. This reminds me of exactly why Tatiana is in my life.
I nod and swallow heavily. “Okay. Thank you. Um, good night, then.”
“Good night, Hayden. I’ll see you in the morning.”
She gives me a reassuring smile before I shut the door. I turn the handle lock and the deadbolts before walking to my bed, a prisoner in my own room.
I change into gray sweatpants even though I normally sleep naked, just in case Tatiana needs to come into my room for any reason. Then I pull out my phone, and two texts from Blake are displayed on the screen.
I’m sorry, sexy. I overreacted. I was just disappointed that I wouldn’t get to see you tonight.
I love you.
Guilt at the myriad of sexual thoughts I’ve had about Tati tonight floods through me. I’ve always said that I would never cheat and would just end it with my partner if I ever wanted to be with someone else. This isn’t that clear-cut, however.
For a start, I barely even know Tati, and she dodges every personal question I ask. Aside from that, even if I dumped Blake today, she’s technically my employee. I don’t want to be that douchebag boss who hits on the people working for him. Most importantly, someone out there wants to hurt me, so I need Tatiana to do the job I hired her to do.
All this weighs on my mind as I reply to Blake.
I love you, too. The guys and I are going to Club Delirium tomorrow. Want to meet me there?
I check my messages from Sebastian and smile.
Yeah, Lita says that’s fine. Only if you confirm that Tatiana’s spending the night in your bed tonight.
I can’t help but laugh as I reply.
Sure. Let’s go with that. As if I don’t have any spare bedrooms for her to sleep in.
The thought of her in my bed causes my cock to get the erection I’ve been fighting against the many hours I’ve spent in her presence today. I drop my phone face down on the bed next to me as it vibrates with what’s probably a response from Seb.
I swallow and reach into my sweatpants to grip my cock. I look over to the bathroom that separates my room from Tatiana’s and remember how she looked at me earlier when she came out of that room.
I shake my head and close my eyes, as I try to rid myself of the image because I know it’s wrong to think about her. I focus solely on the sensations of stroking myself. Ignoring the fantasies that I could so easily play in my head.
Whenever Tatiana’s face comes to my mind, I push it away quickly. I try to think of Blake instead, imagining him here with me, with his hand in place of mine. I’m so desperate to burn away the thoughts of Tati that I pick up my phone and call him.
“Hey, sexy,” he answers, the sound of music blaring in the background.
“Hi,” I tell him on a pant for breath.
“What’s up?” he asks.