I raise an eyebrow at her and ask, “Are you trying to bring out my inner Dom or something? Because I have no qualms about bailing on my friends and taking you back to the bedroom if that’s what you want.”
She shivers, and her reaction is sexy as fuck, but she shakes her head. “I don’t think now is the time or the place for that to be explored, since hotel rooms are basically one of the most insecure places we spend any of our time. Let’s go see your friends, Hayden.”
I smile at her, step forward, and wrap my arm around her waist. I pull her roughly against myself, lower my head, and kiss her neck before I move my lips to her ear.
“I noticed that’s not a no. I’ll spend the next five hours thinking about you naked and calling me ‘Sir,’ and you can spend the next five hours thinking about me bending you over whatever the nearest surface is and fucking you.” I gently nip her earlobe with my teeth, then stand up and grin at her before saying in a normal voice, “Okay, let’s go, Tati.”
I can tell she’s turned on, and I like the idea of her being horny but unable to do anything about it…even if it means tormenting myself as well. So I step around her and open the door to the suite, effectively cutting off her ability to respond to what I just said since there are bodyguards in the hallway.
I give her a wicked grin as I look down at her. “After you, I guess?”
I run my gaze over her body, and her nipples are stiff in her top. She looks sexy as fuck, and my cock is semi-hard in my jeans. She walks through the door into the hallway and lookscasually at the bodyguards sitting there. I smile at them as we pass them on the way to Gabriel and Ariana’s suite.
“Hi, guys,” Ariana greets us with a friendly smile. “Come on in.”
“Hey, Ariana,” I say.
“Morning, Ariana,” Tati smiles at her.
“Did we decide what we all want to do today?” I ask as Ariana leads us toward the suite’s living room.
“I want to play pool,” Sebastian answers.
“Shocker,” I say dryly, then I catch sight of my friend and grin brightly at her. “Heather! I didn’t think we were seeing you for another couple of weeks.”
She’s sitting on Harrison’s lap on an armchair at the side of the room. I stride over to her and wrap my arms around her in a hug, so happy to see her when I wasn’t expecting her.
“Hi, darling. It’s so good to see you. I thought I’d surprise you all because I miss you so much,” Heather says before she pouts and gives us an obvious sad face.
“Mostly me, though. Right, lover?” Seb looks up from Mira, who is swaddled in a green blanket and sleeping in his arms, to give Heather a cheeky grin.
“Of course,” Heather laughs. “I thought that went without saying!”
“And yet I felt the need to hear you say it, anyway.” Seb winks at her.
I sit in an armchair near Tati, and I look over to smile at her. I love her so much, and I’m so glad she’s here with me. She raises an eyebrow at me, though, and gives me a stern look that reminds me that we’re not meant to be giving anything away in front of my friends.
I look back at them and say, “I’m up for a game of pool.”
“I’ll do pool as long as Lita plays Sebastian and not me,” Heather smirks.
Seb laughs and shrugs his shoulders. “Fine by me.”
Gabriel calls down to the concierge and finds out the name of a pool hall nearby while I watch Tati walk over to the rest of the bodyguards to talk with them. We end up leaving the hotel via the back entrance and take two white vans to the pool hall.
Tati and I end up in a van with Harrison and Heather, along with Michael, and Callum Archer, Heather’s bodyguard. I sit by the window with Tati next to me, and I rest my hand between us before I softly stroke the flesh of her exposed outer thigh with my pinky finger. She turns to look at me, and I smile at her.
“So, how have you been now that Blake is out of your life?” Heather asks from the row behind us, reminding me that Tati and I aren’t alone.
I turn in my seat to face her, allowing my hand to slide up Tati’s thigh as I do. Her skin is soft and warm under my hand, and it’s so erotic to play with her like this when neither of us can react in any way.
I shrug my shoulders and say to Heather, “I’m not exactly missing him.”
As I say it, I resume softly stroking her thigh. I’m so in tune to her that I hear the change in her breathing as I do. My cock is stiff in my jeans, but I know no one can see. I maintain my composure as much as I can, though, and keep any sign of my own arousal off my face as I continue the conversation with my friend.
“Good. You shouldn’t miss that fucker,” Heather scoffs.
“Tell us how you really feel, angel,” Harrison laughs.