Page 128 of Hayden's Stalker

My stomach flops over at the admission because I kind of want to try it with Tati, but I’d never want to push someone into kink if they’re not really into it. I wouldn’t want a sub who was just doing it for me and not because they actually enjoyed it.

“Anymore?” Tatiana asks, sounding surprised.

“I had a couple of partners years and years ago who I Dommed. Then Cruise Control started getting famous, so I haven’t really done it since then.”

I smile at her and laugh as I think of Harrison and Heather. They don’t know that I know, but there are times when he’s Dommed her in front of us, and it’s been blatantly obvious to me that’s what they’re doing. At the same time, they’ve been together since we were all kids, so he knows she’s not going to go and blab about it to the whole world.

“It doesn’t stop some famous people I know, but there’s a lot of trust involved in BDSM. If I can’t trust the person not to tell the whole world about it, then there’s no joy in doing it.”

Tati’s quiet for a few moments before she smiles at me. “I’m learning a lot of things about you, Hayden Vega. I’m honored that you trust me enough to tell me that.”

I kiss her softly, then give her a cheeky grin. “Well, I figured that if you’re going to let me try to fuck your ass, I can probably trust you with my sexual secrets.”

“You can. I promise I’ll never tell anyone, and I’ll even keep a handy cyanide capsule in case anyone tries to pry them out of me.”

I kiss her again, thoroughly exploring her mouth with my tongue. She kisses me back, and I lower a hand to pull and tweak her nipple while we kiss. We’re both breathing heavily when we come up for air.

I look into her eyes and think about her promise. “No cyanide capsule, though. I don’t want to live without you.”

“No cyanide capsule,” she agrees, and even though I know it was a joke, I’m relieved.

I smile and kiss her again before she rests her head on my chest and lays her arm over my torso. I’m so grateful that she came into my life. I would take having a stalker any day over not having Tati. I look down at her beautiful face, and I know that she’s worth it.

I’m still worried about my stalker, but she makes me feel safe, the same way she always has. From the moment I met her, I felt sure that she would stop me from coming to any harm. I believe in her ability to do that even though we’re in a relationship now.

She squeezes me with her arms, and I squeeze her back before she turns her face up to smile at me. “I love you, Hayden.”

“I love you, too. It’s so nice being able to say that.”

“It’s so nice hearing it,” she grins at me.

I chuckle and pull her up to kiss me. We lay together for a few more minutes before we get out of bed and order room servicefor breakfast. After our meal, Tati begins to lead the way out of our suite, but I know that as soon as we leave this room, I won’t be able to go near her. So I pull her into my arms from behind just before she reaches the door.

I spin her around and press my lips against hers. She parts her lips, and I deepen the kiss, pulling her hard against myself as I do. Our tongues intertwine, and with her body pressed against me, I have a strong urge to just take her back to the bedroom instead of going to see my friends. I break our kiss before I do, and we’re both breathless as we stare into one another’s eyes.

I murmur, “Sorry. I’m just aware that I won’t get to do that for many hours now.”

“I wish we could be more public with our relationship, but we can’t. Your safety will always be the number one priority. I love you too much to risk doing anything that might cause you to come to harm. Being with you at all is risky enough.”

“But worth it, right?” I wink at her, and she laughs.

Tati kisses me again and says, “Yes. Totally worth it.”

I’m glad to hear that because I think she’s worth it, too. She kisses me again before she pulls herself out of my grasp and smiles at me.

“Okay, Mr. Vega. Let’s go see your friends.”

I laugh because that’s exactly the sort of shit that will make our relationship obvious.

“Calling me that will be a dead giveaway. You’ve only ever called me Hayden.” I smirk at her because it’s very close to the way my friends ‘hide’ their BDSM relationship. “Harrison will think you’re my sub or something.”

Her cheeks turn pink, and she asks, “Will he now?”

“Indeed, he will. Since I’m very committed to all ofyourrules, you should probably stick with Hayden.”

“Yes, Sir,” she grins cheekily at me.

My cock jerks at the word coming from her lips. I woulddefinitelylike to have that sort of relationship with Tatiana Swanson, and her teasing me like this is only making that more obvious to me.